the normative is as a constant menu
of comparatives,
where the memory log is optimized
into usage,
the spider web of familiarity,
as false sense of control is passively implied,
as the struggle,
when a mixture in about to become a blend,
when repetition is over applied,
when order overrides
curiosity's constant search,
when inner dialogue turns
into background chatter,
when a sigh is a relevant statement made,
when the normative is
too much in character
and not enough spontaneity
to accentuate the inner moment,
when the storyline of living is presumptuously predictable,
when living is only as acting out,
that loses it sense of self
as carriage of interest,
when forethought and afterthought
have the same script,
when motivation has a trapdoor experience
and no one, not even oneself,
has a redeemable answer.
either the normative is too overstated
or experience got bog down
in approvals for self-worth.
the normative can loose its sense
of inner rhythm
by too much stage presence
and not enough inner joy expounding.
find me a normative that has lost it way
by traveling the path of inner joy,
that has become
other worldly's fascination ploy,
that is only expansive to include,
that has fundamental respect
for isness happening,
that remembers, constantly remembers,
that oneness rules,
even though that is never brought forth
into words.
be the normative whose frame of reference
is greater than a lifetime
of observation gained,
whose rules for order
start with spiritual enterprise,
have an affinity for intimacy.
and to inseparableness as closure (?),
normative without reduction
or without prioritized lines of relevance.
a normative
as transcendent presence emerging . . .
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