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Tuesday, November 16, 2021


I want to experience that part of me

that does not take anything outwardly in,

that part that is readily aware

but is attentioned 

on the constancy behind aware,

that part that has solved 

the information overload,

that part that has gotten past 

the process of particulars,

that part that sees the menials of logic 

in play,

that part that has watched belief 

long for and fester,

that part that registers a deeper sense 

than language can apply 

towards understanding,

that part that feels for the whole of life

beyond the dimensions occupied 

by presentation's forms,

that part that preserves the whelm 

and fills the frame-breaks,

that part that does not have age or gender as determinates, 

that part that allows and pervades 

without interruption, 

that part that goes beyond 

what know offers,

resides outside of the metaphor of time,

and has universe at heart 

beyond dimensional concerns.

I want experience to divest and rekindle,

to eliminate the audience method 

of observance,

to give up on knowing as standard refrain,

to be within the energetics of being

without the perspective of narrative taken,

to have experience 

as an integrity of livingness,

to existence within and without 

the memory paradigm,

to have experience 

as intimate connectivity ongoing,

to have experience 

without retention as worth

just full bodied consuming, 

ever the ongoing.

I want experience as isness 

without pragmatic awareness,

just the passing of the last word of language

to be 'oneness' 

as definitional awareness fades.

experience as the enlightenment 

beyond silence,

beyond what sense could propose,

beyond what a self could surrender ,

beyond what livingness could muster 

as means.

experience beyond definitional account,

experience, seamlessness as fully aware

yet aware having no retentive account.

experience beyond having knowing 

as a stance.

experience that is eventually

not any more 

a transductive part of a me . . .

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