if we could all remember,
that we are chasing narratives
already in our heads,
that makes us an audience to it.
for then we spectate on all of the results
as happening.
none of this applies
to our personal evolution.
it only applies
as adding fuel to our storyline.
keeps us seduced
within conclusions and outcomes,
which then becomes the work
of our linear minds to process.
work that then seduces and overwhelms us,
because it is a menial reality setting,
separate from the nature
and naturalness of the big picture,
as our own personal evolution.
for we are supposedly using
our current circumstances
and our interpretation
of those circumstances,
to get us to witness ourselves
and the usage of ourselves
in deeper transcending ways.
mainly by honoring our intuitions,
more than living
in our reactive mindset ways.
we have to witness
how we think about all of this.
not for correct answers
that we subsequently rationally approve of,
but for getting ourselves
internal witness skills,
that subsequently come to direct us
into next moments.
not to prove to ourselves our worth
but to express a deeper sense of spirit
as our truth.
we all wanted to become
the broadcast of our being
and not the lip-service of our narratives,
that we are already supremely bored with and about.
we are the living self-experiment
and we want to be self-directed,
from a deeper inward space awareness
of our own self-consciousness.
reality, as reception, is overbearing
and subsequently eventually a boring fill.
it is each of us,
who needs to invent
the creative exercise of self-discoveries,
out of the normatives
that are fronting us.
we create for the opportunity
to be of our presence
and not to live in the results
that complete
our own private expectation-story,
where we are each rich
with energetic possibilities
but we all settled for wanted storied results,
that we already expect
to either succeed or fail,
in the way
of the dualistic trap we all fall into.
we can see with our perception,
new ways of sightedness
and journey from within.
ways that give us permission
to creatively reach
for the unknown,
from within each of us,
that is within
but not yet identified by us,
from the ways as means
of our rational pursuit.
our intuition has insight
but we steal from that
to make rational expectations become real.
and then we are back to linear thinking,
as it overwhelms us.
but that then becomes,
an oh so very familiar, self residence.
remember, this is all a very private
with deep inward efforts and discoveries.
it does not matter to the world,
if any of us do this or not.
it only essentially matters
to each of us inwardly.
dramas are not mile markers along the way.
we are not living for change to happen.
what we really want
is transcendence out of all of this.
we want a deeper sense of being realized
and a richer effortless broadcast of self.
and then let's see,
how the world responds
to our collective magic.......