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Wednesday, January 20, 2021

the essential use of excitement


I use excitement 

to frame the vast of nothingness,

the sweet fill of absolute,

sensory flat-lining ongoing,

no intrusive input for cognitive means,

even kinesthetic slumbers.

once excitement has temporal distance,

time becomes a deep liquid 

beyond suitable comprehension.

it just is, 

as if a universe dense of it,

as even the template of being loosens. 

think travels 

without the shoelaces of thought tied,

doesn't present as if audience has needs.

the verb separate 

looses it definitional stance.

it is as if the hammock of awareness is still,

while the world through the trees attached

are rocking in slow undulating waves.

waves that have no exterior motion

but provide a vibrational penetrative sooth,

as if every cell now sees for itself.

thought is mass, 

active in its ever existence,

yet experience gains no measure,

as if to provide for memory in a grab-fest,

for want has no driver invested.

I got nothing in a come-back with words.

it never began 

and without dimensions

to comment about.

it was as if there all of the time.

it was me and my method of consciousness

that provided for the absence 

and the compulsion to search.

incentive is penniless as a worth.

drawnness was a yawn 

in a favorable direction,

not for sleep to come

but to relax into the expand,

as if to forgo limits and conclusions.

we say quantum as if to grasp,

for the mind would like a purview, 

some cognizance to mentally chew upon,

some small rags of intent to justify interest,

yet not happening by that means

or in that way of account.

it all just is, 

in a spherical 360 but nondirectional.

it is integral isness without a self audience.

it is a leap out of a sense of containment, 

left language and comprehension off

before the leap had wings.

think of it as a free-fall 

in all directions at once.

the myth of dimension is busted.

there is no thought refuse.

think took off 

without any content necessary,

be that as it comes your way.

remember, sensory excitement 

was just a framing,

for the appeal of nothingness 

begs your approach.

take off what knows you.

give up what claims you.

strip down from a you,

and be gone . . .

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