how to approach hard.
yes, hard is a callout
from somewhere within.
some guesstimate served
with a favorite reasoning
and an acknowledged distance between,
whether that be a task,
act with emotional carriage,
a rite of passage,
or a state of vast comprehension.
hard has taken a stance.
you have to feel for it,
locate its groundedness directly,
see for the distance between you and it.
and then more seriously,
look at the who of you,
who is holding it as such.
what are the mediums within you
that make it such a definite?
then what accounts for
the distance or disparity
between you and whatever hard is?
there is a self-study involved.
the beauty of deep inner inspection needed.
is hard really an anticipated reaction,
brooding itself into existence
as an opinion and self-judgment call?
hard should have been
a post potential remark.
but as blockage from discernment
is it just feigning existence into belief?
is it a pretend taking on status from within?
hard is a doorway to inner riches,
as if so many dimensions of self,
open for discovery.
hard is a mirror of self as inquiry,
even though it appears
as outwardly ordained.
hard is a meticulous self science of potential,
not for approval's result
but more so to demystify hard
as a working premise
of obstruction in self's way.
hard is an actualizer,
a tai chi of self-awareness by usage,
hard stone-faced until it is porous,
then porous until it is putty,
then putty until it is liquid,
then liquid until it is evaporative in resolve.
to have awaken a state of being from within,
is pure self in genius mode.
hard may have been the original wardrobe in defiance,
but then to become the wingman
in each moment.
tis the invisible of self made evident
if needed.
almost as the angel of hard
is always of assistance.
that carriage, once revealed,
is so much a blessing in disguise.
it widens the spectrum
of being and consciousness.
come to meet hard
as inquiry from within,
and self attributes come to the fore.
this inner dialogue gives one a presence
that others may take from and learn.
revelation does not knock at the door of self
as a gift offered.
it comes as a gift given to oneself,
by a self honesty
that bespeaks of itself into existence.
even though it may originally appear
as hard,
secretly as one's wakeup call,
if attention is to be served . . .
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