I exist far beyond understanding’s grasp
yet understanding is the wardrobe I wear.
in my awake world demeanor,
I live as the metaphor on my existence
by how I account for being.
I stuff myself into words and parade them as story
and fill each day with literal and logic.
none of which creates a deeper sense of being
but all falls prey to a mindfulness of display.
essence never appears to surface
and no language is current with its presence.
if I could be heartfelt and mindless
that would be an approach to what I mean to say.
there is no separateness in existence
yet we pride our way by appearing as such.
our lives are the paraphernalia of self consciousness.
we lobby as a consciousness steadfast and retained.
but as for evolving, almost any other species
is more to the task of that embrace then we.
I am a candle burning of light
but I cannot see by the rays I provide.
I live by the wax puddles I produce.
we are then all relevant puddles
to each other’s surmise.
I want to be saved
from the vat of existence as such.
I am of no future or past.
now is a joke I tell myself quite privately
but can’t get current with the evocative laughter.
I am a beside myself person.
I have no truth that I can share by words.
we make mention of our energetics
when they display.
that display then becomes the business of living
that we rarely come to know
beyond just understanding.
this is a trial run for all of us.
yet we can not be living for results
but instead for the dynamics in play
beyond what knowing gets us.
I am empty with knowledge
yet full of the energy
that passes through this now.
experience can never be the now
and so why do I have it as my account?
I am where language can never go.
I meet you there often
but we have nothing further to say.
we are rich that way
and wisdom, as the paparazzi,
never catches even a glimpse.
the conundrum builds for the establishment.
we are forever the collapse
of account and remembrance.
I live the energetics alive
and die with every recall admitted.
understanding will bury me
and my grave will only be remembrance . . .
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