I go into the void of think.
once there,
instead of the pursuit of seek,
I begin to undress from think,
dissolving into a more refined energy,
pouring throughout,
somewhere sourced from within.
radiance abounds outwardly expanding.
no sense of gravity,
replaced by embrace.
meaning falls into a oneness usage.
no more need for understanding
to hold my hand.
particulars loose their sense of identity.
mindfulness is now
not a vehicle of transformation.
the spoon of time is taken out
of the stir of the isness tea.
movement is its own language,
as if talking and listening occurs simultaneously.
this dance has no surfaces.
all these words are fleeting in the meltdown
evaporative into the melt-through.
integrity doesn’t have any need for uniforms.
trust has no face-to-face in delivery.
implementation is surrender’s ever-expansion.
that I speak is disrobing,
loosing the concepts of form and delivery
into formlessness and omnipresence transmission.
comparative truth is now as a useless prothesis,
as if still a language
but no words, only tones.
meaning is all ocean-beach,
interpreting wave action
by revisiting wetness, rhythmically.
identify is all the lip-service,
away from source.
all of spoken language is from notes in bottles,
floating in the sea of oneness.
slip-stream is the last experience of self-in-dissolve.
I go no further as overwhelmed.
past tense offers no memories
and all futures are dressed up in the now.
the impudence of time is deftly in revelation’s deliverance
and space no longer nurtures the concept of small.
if you open your eyes to this
everything of mass in the universe is staring back,
wondering, about the nature of your separateness.
and all of the dark energy in the dark field,
is timelessly waiting for your return . . .
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