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Tuesday, October 1, 2019

the beauty in deep, dark and shade….. 10/1/19

there is the privacy implied,
the amoral intent executed,
and the self dialogue that goes unsaid.
the think, 
out on the edge of what thought offers.
working conclusion 
towards coming into the light.
where search has an internal driver,
a set of operatives not disclosed.
the mind takes off the custodian clothes
and comprehends beyond dilemma.
and the operative of the self becomes alive.
where one is an agent of a deeper truth
then one was previously able to realize.
there is beauty beyond recognition’s cause.
we are all blessed
but some in very unnatural ways.
and others are agents when called upon.
agenda, motive and cover all have cloak,
move without evidence as a giveaway. 
thought-out becomes a self-directive.
details can be arranged to hurt or appeal.
and you thought you were sided before any of this.
now your private fears appear as concern.
you may have felt inwardly estranged from yourself
but the deep and the dark and the shade of you
are in a new light.
one that cast no shadow 
but forecasts and reveals.
one becomes dead-straight 
and also alive with the future beaming.
another day in the life there of
where the grind is also the brink.
the quake is revealed to have its own constancy.
fill in the blanks with what you don’t understand
but you do have a feel for it,
and the part of you that is a passive participant.
for you are with a doubt,
the alliance of encouragement,
the silence of reassurance,
and the soul of advocacy,
as the true beauty 
of the deep, the dark and the shade . . .

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