also for viewing

check out my video haikus
and slideshow videos on youtube at "junahsowojayboda"

Thursday, October 31, 2019

fresh baked clouds 10/31/19

the ever refining thermal utensils 
are divinely working 
on the shaping of every cloud.
while ever in transit, 
invisibly riding on the tall backs
of windblown elephants of air
pachyderms, pushing vapor, 
who stealthily graze on the prairie sky
are in search of whirling dervish furies 
that are baked in the hothouse 
of the sun.
cooked and churned by its daily gaze
and constantly with the heat-spoon stirring
yet as if always, 
oven fresh in the making.
for we, in the weather lunch line 
are there, to breath and see,
to tastefully to dine
on the buffet above and before us,
to sip each breath 
and to climate-like every sight.
how fresh baked clouds
are delivered to us,
with the intent 
of overwhelming delight . . .

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

for humans 10/30/19

for humans,
the fundamental currency is consciousness.
everybody is their own bankroll.
trust is the only instrument used
to initiate interactional means of exchange.
your wallet is really your heart.
and you are as rich as 
your deep pockets are based on self-love.
where giving to others,
is gifting yourself,
with a deepening sense of oneness, 
realized as a wealth of consciousness, 
ever expanding from within . . .

Monday, October 28, 2019

enormity’s generosity 10/28/19

cramping enormity into logical binds
looking for illuminating words, 
that are yet still dragging their feet
with meaningfuls untied.
aesthetics living on the saliva of the brain
before the chew of understanding tastefully provides.
putting the kites of content in the sky of context 
as if the vast blue is a ring bearer for that ceremony.
waiting for the winds of suitable comprehension
to ceremoniously give stillborn thoughts
the wings to inwardly fly 
towards amelioration’s view.
when all words fundamentally abjectify
simply by any definitional sense implied.
old soul wisdom doesn’t reach for mental clarity.
its residence easily encompasses vast and deep,
where words taken up with meaning can’t really go.
it isn’t what they say so much 
as where from within
it comes to be said 
or even just viewed as a presence.
the wisdom encompasses the surround of the topic.
the feel doesn’t back away from the implied meaning.
it’s everything you would want
from a campfire of meaning
but without all the cerebral necessarily in tow.
there is no pride to this type of understanding.
the mind relinquishes its status 
for the generosity of the feel ignited.
enormity at a sensory level is like this
but brought on by emotional establishment’s deeds.
I want a mind-fill that is an extension of this.
I am not looking for a context of contrasts
no cutting edges of issues holding outline form
but more so a land of confluence mindfully registered.
I am not looking for a change of heart
but more of an expansion to include. 
enormity as the generosity of oneness 
vastly expressed . . .

Sunday, October 27, 2019

divinely so 10/27/19

if the divine has eyes 
you’re looking through them
if the divine has a face 
you’re composed within and behind it
if the divine has a gender
you’re androgynously living it alive
if the divine has life to live
you’re here to richly express it
if the divine exists before existence
you’re creatively bringing it to light
but please note:
the concept of divine mindfully conceived
is an emotional withhold
for as long as you are understandingly mindful
that divine is perceived as out there
and not truly through you
you can be conceive of divine
but to be conscious of that is possible
only if it is allowed 
to naturally come through you . . .

Saturday, October 26, 2019

dark-field in waiting 10/26/19

I go into the void of think.
once there, 
instead of the pursuit of seek,
I begin to undress from think,
dissolving into a more refined energy, 
pouring throughout,
somewhere sourced from within.
radiance abounds outwardly expanding.
no sense of gravity, 
replaced by embrace.
meaning falls into a oneness usage.
no more need for understanding
to hold my hand.
particulars loose their sense of identity.
mindfulness is now 
not a vehicle of transformation.
the spoon of time is taken out
of the stir of the isness tea.
movement is its own language,
as if talking and listening occurs simultaneously.
this dance has no surfaces.
all these words are fleeting in the meltdown
evaporative into the melt-through.
integrity doesn’t have any need for uniforms.
trust has no face-to-face in delivery.
implementation is surrender’s ever-expansion.
that I speak is disrobing,
loosing the concepts of form and delivery
into formlessness and omnipresence transmission.
comparative truth is now as a useless prothesis, 
as if still a language 
but no words, only tones.
meaning is all ocean-beach, 
interpreting wave action
by revisiting wetness, rhythmically.
identify is all the lip-service, 
away from source.
all of spoken language is from notes in bottles,
floating in the sea of oneness.
slip-stream is the last experience of self-in-dissolve.
I go no further as overwhelmed.
past tense offers no memories
and all futures are dressed up in the now.
the impudence of time is deftly in revelation’s deliverance
and space no longer nurtures the concept of small.
if you open your eyes to this
everything of mass in the universe is staring back,
wondering, about the nature of your separateness. 
and all of the dark energy in the dark field,
is timelessly waiting for your return . . .

Friday, October 25, 2019

can we question the universe 10/25/19

it isn’t the universe that is in question.
it is the nature of human observation of it
that is the quandary.
how we view it
and what is our retake from viewing?
even the nature of the dynamics of viewing
and how that translates into words
and subsequent meaning is a grand conundrum, 
unto ourselves from our methods of receivership 
and what we conceptualize from what we take.
we suffer from depiction observation.
we falsify what is taken by our linear thinking.
we expect that our way of thinking 
allows the universe to subscribe 
to our way of knowing about it.
how we do the think we do
as translated into the thoughts we derive,
completely misses the essential point of being
as it scribes to a version of knowing as satisfactory.
knowing is the oddity in this equation, 
not the universe of itself.
we have quantum as bricks, layered by thought derivatives. 
we have not become the experiment 
of fully immersing as out there
but respectfully wait for the universe 
to come around to our way of thinking about it
and provide for us a practical form of understanding.
there is a perversity to our wonderment,
a false sense of scale and dynamics involved,
in which we labor to understand
as if understanding is the great beyond 
coming our way.
we are like a mountain onto a grander landscape,
wanting the sky to come our way 
as if we are the confessional of need 
for the universe to reveal its secrets to us.
we created mindfulness, almost pridefully so,
as if anything revealed, 
withstands our stage of observation.
we have an audience-syndrome version of existence,
yet so much happens through us, 
but we are not conscious of 
from with it.
we dismiss our isness for the grossness of experience. 
cognition is a pomposity, as a false relevance posturing.
the mindful retention of principles is in no way
the same as the sense of empathy 
and nuance-caring that we can feel.
fear as a fulcrum proposed and propagated as necessary
then diminishes our conscious awareness of anything 
more profound then the made up structures 
and their presumed consequences.
we can hardly address essence 
when power, ownership, and control,
govern our think styles 
and labor our perception of being.
we are syntactically dismissive of deeper truths
because we want them to be evidential to us 
for the way we are.
our questing the universe is more about reflecting to us
how we falsely address, 
by what we want to know
without actually immersing ourselves in any way 
except by the think we already use 
having a false confidence and expectations 
for results to appear to us
when it is us who are strangers unto ourselves, 
about all of this.
we assume ourselves to be the constant fixation
of our ever further questioning.
but our method of questions and answers 
is always in our mindset ways.
there is nothing static in the universe 
and yet we want hold that pose 
for answers to come to us for our memory’s sake
as if understanding bring us any closer 
to our own divinity in all of this. 
how strange to ask in a mirror-like method
and expect the method of answers from that
to resolutely complete us in evolutionary ways.
when we only ‘mind’ our own business
and yet we feel so ‘self’ involved
at such a greater scale 
than we are grandly not in touch with 
in operative ways of evolutionary advancement.
our curiosity is filled with excess baggage 
when answers only come to occupy 
a status of mindful positions
and evolution remains for us
as just a point of interest . . .

Thursday, October 24, 2019

black sheep (haiku) 10/24/19

a lot of black sheep
gathered together in sync?
clearly, un-heard of

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

as if in essence delivered 10/23/19

for humans, mass is idealized
but it is the biggest pretend of all.
if location is dependent upon placement 
and placement is a sense of fixed position
then our view of everything is quite illusory.
the art of human behavior 
is a form of slow-motion act-outs 
compared to the actual occurrence 
of vibratory as mass.
objectivity only reflects the prejudice 
of us as the viewers.
the world, as we know it,
is a biblical version of ourselves 
as observation’s caste.
as long as we have time 
as part of the observation equation,
nothing exists that we can generate 
as evident as such.
as long as we pride ourselves
as audience with interest,
we are distant and imprisoned 
by the concepts we keep generative.
connectivity is non-negotiable. 
it is the universe’s prayer 
by the same way, degree 
and one pointedness of time.
where by the invocation of itself,
is spot-on and therefore timeless.
but on us, by our methods, 
we have a concept of details as our following.
yet all of matter reveals the conundrum 
mirroring this basis of bias of our human understanding.
to us, information is real 
and we are steadfast timely with it
as if conceived and captured within it.
we have invented a distance 
from the energetic truth
and now we have to resolve 
that distance we intellectually maintain.
and yet wanting to do so 
by still being here, the way we are,
but only more advanced,
yet in much the same mindful way.
maybe this is a perverse experiment:
imagine life after death as authentic, 
and how to prepare for it 
while still grounded 
in the supposed here and now.
in the way we are proposed 
as that, living in the here and now.
yet we don’t have a science behind the mind,
but only of it,
which impedes the essential process, profoundly.
as soon as we name or label 
or actually cogitate into thought,
we are proceeding 
into the displacement of being.
communication is already an island 
removed from being.
conveyance offers alignment 
but not guaranteed reception
in a thought driven world.
we live in the conundrum 
and yet propose its worth.
so how do we question questioning
and then go about with its worth?
the way our minds currently work
every question is only rhetorical 
as if in essence obliquely delivered . . .

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

captivated by closure 10/22/19

the tongue only tap dances 
to the impatient rational mind.
gut wrenching occurs
when the words don’t come blaring out.
couldn’t passably say what is meant,
since the mean out there already overwhelms it.
some how the gravity pressure feels more severe
as if 2000 feet below the sea level of stress.
limbs have lost their incentive to function
in service to the expression of the body.
it all feels like tunnel vision
but the tunnel is only half dug 
into the dark of the mountain.
there is a faceless crowd waiting for an arrival.
they are all spectators, not artists,
to the nude model posing.
there is nothing quite so frustrating
as chasing after the butterfly of happiness
when the creature is so invisible to the naked eye.
we all might as well stay in our tent of self-consciousness,
lay down, eyes closed, attempt relaxation,
assume the joy of the melodic surround of sounds
imposing their cacophony 
on our otherwise captivated selves.
for it is a free-fall of animated sensory intake
and we, as jugglers of notedness, 
can hum up and murmur a theme
that makes it all seem 
like the child’s play of privacy,
while being both at the circus 
and be the circus itself, 
on play before us, yet as us.
and no one, 
outside of our own head of captivating conclusions,
is the wiser . . .

Monday, October 21, 2019

as if essence is consciousness 10/21/19

the space out there,
if there is that.
that space between something and nothing.
not just beyond the tip of my tongue
but somewhere out there,
where that which was nothing 
takes on the evidence of something,
becomes the mass of being
out of vibrational existence.
that space that is between 
the integrated production of nothingness
into the densified substance of something.
even ever so small but still conformational.
yes, there is something there
how does that happen?
how come we are privileged 
on the side of substance
and so denied on the side of nothing?
nothing is not nothing
but something of something else,
something beyond our sensory range,
our way of perception,
our means of participation
in a conscious way
yet we interface but cluelessly so.
why can’t I take my mindfulness
and go there directly?
what is so much baggage 
that travel to is easily denied?
I can’t get even a mind grip.
I feel spoon-feed minor details
and no conscious immersion occurs
yet randomly interactions of this nature happen.
distortions in time and space-locations arise
and all I get from that is story
in delightful account.
I want expansion to include.
I am willing to strip away understanding
to exist in a more formal fashion
even if I don’t have a body 
or declared occupancy as a being.
I want to embrace the universe more directly,
leave thought,
be isness without self-declaration,
have the patience for time to exist
and for mass to live its integrity fully.
but not be so at affect
and displaced by conclusions from thought,
not be so quick to cite as magic
because there is a lack of understanding,
not be subject to positions of observation
as if that provides for understanding’s ruse,
to plead for a facileness of existence
among all of existence,
maybe mindless, 
as if so currently conceived,
but profoundly immersive, 
beyond any myopic account,
to forever leave the bleachers of experience,
to be integral 
as if essence is consciousness . . .

Sunday, October 20, 2019

appreciate my own 10/10/19

you are one funny creature
in a smallish but intimate way.
you are your own off-broadway show,
inwardly sincere but outwardly comedic. 
maybe it takes five minutes of watching
to get the gist of how you do you,
but seriously, human nature on point.
no, it can’t be like a movie to watch
because it is too haphazard in that timeline.
but with the deeper theme in place,
like it’s just the experience of life,
makes the whole thing, gloriously rewarding.
I wish this was a mirror shot in reflection.
and I could appreciate my life as I do yours.
there has to be some learning premise
I can take from this
and appreciate my own existence
as much as I adore yours . . .

Saturday, October 19, 2019

always and never 10/19/19

always and never share the same secret
it’s right on the tip of everyone’s tongue,
energetically speaking, that is
the camouflage is indisputable
its truth is unpronounceable by the human mouth
curious minds would ask why
but time will not reveal its source
is it in the space between 
looking out and what is seen?
the space between what is said 
and what is heard?
between what is taken to be familiar
and what is really there?
is it a race that time invented
but has no ending?
it is a beyond that has us
as in its immediate past?
what could always and never have to share?
is it that they mutually exist
outside our capacity to discern 
one from the other, clearly?
is it that they cause 
the same generic response in us 
for our eventual conclusion or account.
it must be that they leave us
perplexed in much the same way
with either one being the cause.
it must be the always and never
left discern at the altar of understanding
and never looked back 
to see that response 
that humans often have . . .

Friday, October 18, 2019

4-pleas 10/18/19

vastness is going to the zoo of language 
and looking at all the animals in murmurs and basking.
there are signs everywhere that say
please, don’t feed the animals by thinking out loud.

in the visceral and kinesthetic sense of think
please, find vibrational solace
mean while, understanding is just stink-fish of attention
in the sidewalk of meaning rolling by

all thought is the shrapnel 
made up of time debris as memories
where as memory is investigatory as method 
life in review this way maybe wore-torn 

please note: now is not time honored, 
never was and never will be
time is always the view of a bystander
now is all the action there is to the view

Thursday, October 17, 2019

‘I’ is diminishment 10/17/19

I don’t do motion 
I am everywhere a constant
I don’t have view
I am of it, 
not looking out
what I sense 
goes no where in observation
there is no thought of it taken away
all is of itself
without any further account
‘I’ is diminishment 
ever dissolving 
everything is one thing 
of its own accord

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

purchase 10/16/19

purchase is a performing art.
desire is on an ear piece.
obligation holds you in hostage.
culture provides the staging area.
the act out is to come off smoothly.
the loot is held with dignity in the carriage. 
once home, all bets are off.
time will steal the value placed.
little altars of appreciate all have a shelf-life.
nesting materials take on a different light.
familiarity is the only safe zone that works,
the rest is all stage. 
always looking for audience appreciation.
bargains have a slight nostalgia to them.
front stage has value 
as long as story has worth.
ownership is such a human trait
as if God-given,
yet it provides for a secret inner story to continue.
everyone has the telling go on, quite privately.
others get excerpts to build anecdotals.
the true backstory has ever yet to be revealed.
acquisition has wide eyes.
for them, fall forward is enough permission.
it is as if the earth is just a merchant
and all of life is the market place.
open for business, 
twenty-four-seven . . .

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

thoughts that fly up 10/15/19

thoughts fly up, 
those that come 
from a feeling of the heart.
from there, 
rethink does not exist.
words swim, 
buoyant in their meanings.
meanings filled with emotional charge
as their pooling leads to 
short attention span evaporative means,
yet sacred pools are gathering
in the sky of caring
high above mundane 
and beyond the immediates of circumstantial.
these thoughts produce a fragrance in the air,
inhalations to the spirit of being,
moving beyond any boundaried sense of personage.
the confluence of self 
becomes as an energetic,
beyond the drumroll of cognitive instigation.
it is a pheromone of connectivity.
as an invisible embrace congeals, 
the collective heart awakens.
the surround is boundless
but deeply embodied.
we all live for that indoctrination to occur,
yes, the birth of being 
beyond the notion of self . . .

Monday, October 14, 2019

notice (haiku) 10/14/19

notice as an oar 
in the water of aware
self-conscious paddling 

Sunday, October 13, 2019

the how of authenticity 10/13/19

authenticity in a person has no pose
but full range of interaction.
not as expression
but as emergent connection.
one seeks no audience from the surround.
confluence is its own majesty.
there is a share of radiance expressed.
wavelengths merge as a oneness expands
across species en mass. 
the language exchanged is energetics.
resounding has no features outstanding.
this is part of life without measure . . .

Saturday, October 12, 2019

the method of circumstance 10/12/19

the method of circumstance
is forever building the narrative
for those presently involved. 
for each person
there is one internal line spoken at a time.
being is the predicament 
of fallback personage.
habit discovered is as momentum forward.
sensory input is as mic and video on.
notice is as an oar in the water of aware
where self-conscious is paddling
as if forward is the relevant direction . . . 

Friday, October 11, 2019

sorrow as a drug? 10/11/19

how good is sorrow as a drug?
put thunder in my bed
and draw down the blanket 
as if made of rumblings.
I want a bitter taste as my pillow,
for me to sleep like recently felled tree.
full trunk, stiff and horizontal.
why have arms just to cover my face
from the woods of friendship gone?
they now look down on me departed.
my roots will give them my eulogy.
I use to chat with the night sky over breeze,
sing seasonal songs with charm and flair,
handle rain with leaf-ladles of dignity and care,
had night vision for creatures that come and go,
reflected on myself as a lighthouse on a sea of land,
was aggressive with the rigor of my stately stance,
yet quick-witted in the privacy with other trees.
saw beyond the rigor of time quite easily.
still thought of myself
as a human in the forrest of living.
so how good is sorrow 
as a drug for me? . . .

Thursday, October 10, 2019

success as a false accolade 10/10/19

success exists as a false accolade.
expectations have kissed 
and made up in the moment
as the imprint of repeatability gains in stature.
repetition, as a state of mind,
lends itself to a false-notion 
of familiarity as it's home.
success piles-on, as a framing style.
there is a trophy room in this house of memory.
stature is the mood portrayed as worn.
life is then a version of simplified logic.
the syntax of haves and have-nots becomes evident.
doubt is a barking dog in every mind,
now is appeased, 
but for how long?
this becomes a viewing style of relevance,
non-participatory but ever watching.
it lives for the account there of
by whatever is confined 
and consigned to a task, 
burdensome or otherwise assigned.
there is a measure warranted 
to the privacy of self worth.
success is a mirror view in response
where the past is still applauding
as if as the keel 
on the submerge of the moment
rather than the viscosity of self aware
as the glide.
these payoffs eventually become payloads.
personality becomes a cargo bay 
and success becomes shipping fools 
out on the sea of monotony. 
living from interactional port to port,
delivering expectation’s rewards
as it becomes its own self-serving industry.
success then becomes a strategist’s operative.
now is never the act of itself
but the reverie of audience as the self in approval.
one is in receivership of rewards
as the self gains new grounds for stature.
success makes audience out of us all,
those claiming, 
those in judgment,
and those in envy.
self in the moment, expresses from within.
self in audience, looks for the momentous.
success is still-shots taken from passing events
for the building of self as superficial surface-wells
yet we all thirst for the running of water, 
to energetically, freshly drink of ourselves . . .

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

dimensions passing 10/9/19

dimensions passing through me
as if like a 4.1 earthquake tremor awakes me.
the source was really a hundred miles away
but I did catch the feeling within me,
for the grandness of scale embraced,
quickly that will immediately escape me 
and I will be left with this as a fading sensation
rapidly departing as experience is its toll.
I wanted to be within the full absorption
even if it is just as an awakening within me
adding to my range and depth of being aware.
just more of the intricacies of living 
below or beyond the norm reality proposed.
this is within the secret language 
on the other side of whisper.
not formed with tongue from mind
but sacred as a whole self-imbibed,
as a holographic sense in the emergence of being,
all moving parts with sworn integrity.
my mind, as a red wagon ,
along for the ride.
wondrous but insistent is ever in charge. 
this dance with no stage, no floor,
but all moving parts,
as the music is unto itself, 
as self is everything from every where,
as if falling up into a grander scale.
gravity is remembered 
as having a sideway smile.
right, I am still a person, right(?)
but no more a sense of self as commentary.
if this is metaphor,
then I am river flowing.
no I am not the river 
but this fluid of its composition.
not the thoughts there of
but the isness of itself,
as thoughts are only the vagaries in aftermath.
these words are all a meltdown.
just wave action on a reality beach to say.
know of me 
as momentous beyond ocean action
yet humbled to be seen as wave.
we are all of this heart viscosity
but mostly attached to the cling
and not aware of the magnetics involved.
I have this, as spillage on my brain.
I can’t be quoted as authentic, in this light.
you can’t discover me this way
but you only can discover of you, 
as yourself within this your insight 
and sigh . . .