I have an allegiance.
not coming to my mind
just for the here and now.
for I am giving up my 'here'-mind
to go to ‘there’,
knowing full well
I'm not going from a ‘here to a there’.
I am only this locational business
out of cognitive conditioning and habit.
precipitously in this peculiar knowing way
there are no illusions that knowing
has no stature, no position as a self,
and no place in time.
know’s action is to absolve, resolve and dissolve.
in that, ‘know' precedes but does not create cognition.
this know refines itself into a vibratory state.
this know has no occupancy in the illusion of time.
therefore the predicated status of ‘know’
ceases to exist in the integration of being.
generalized knowing is an incidental byproduct
from the fashioning of our consciousness.
in higher consciousness knowing is not self observation,
as in its means of awareness of the integrity of beingness.
know gives up the assumption of separateness
to become the fluid in the whole.
for the whole has no separate parts in its essence.
it is consummating connectedness.
therefore to leave all of the mass of representation,
is to return to a state of confluence,
beyond the need of distinction.
for the methods of distinction have no relevancy.
we use our minds to get to vibrational clarity
where there is no more think presenting as thought.
time and space are a containment of self.
in the vast of a oneness,
truth has no audience or need for reception.
for us being in the now,
love is our now-attempt at that as sacred prayer.
we make out our intelligence
as the work of a creative symbology.
but the universe, in its isness,
has no audience in receivership.
even our view of diversity
is a reflection of our own myopia,
where diversity is a conundrum
from the lack of our depth in seeing
our connection to everything
and the oneness unto manifest.
our style of think popularizes
until we are a consuming surrender into oneness.
most humans will experience physical death
as their method of this by transcendence.
but masslessness does not limit the energetics.
the singularity of individual thought
is not necessary in the isness of being.
consummate leaves all notions,
conclusions and utterances.
it all diminishes into one wholism,
beyond the presentation of thought,
and without self-consciousness to term it.
it is the loudest motor of silence
with ‘nothingness’ as its fill.
vastness is with an expansive embrace.
movement is vibrational.
as for our interpretation,
we have the sublime thought-stillness of existence
eventually, timelessly so,
yet, with no moving parts . . .
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