also for viewing

check out my video haikus
and slideshow videos on youtube at "junahsowojayboda"

Monday, September 30, 2019

genius (haiku) 9/30/19

the word genius
is just a spectator term
don’t think about it 

Sunday, September 29, 2019

if it’s a hairball, cough it up 9/29/19

intellectual conformation is a form 
of accepted dimensional confinement

identification not only has a past of reliance
but a future of revelation and manifest

trust is the ability of not walking alone
and movement is then of its own accord

all of manifest is a lockdown
until realization is a set-free

we have the insistent existence of time
only as the composition of our awareness

all of space, as we currently perceive it,
is the insistence of our own subjectivity

thought exists as current, but its content 
is only in the imminently recent past

memory is a form of consciousness intervention
when self-expansion feels ungrounding

from a human dynamic perspective
every observation has paradoxical positions

conclusions are the work of short attention spans
for when a mind feels overwhelmed with details

meaningful existence is a fallback position
for when self-consciousness makes itself evident

reality is the cultivation of tentative answers
and its retention is a version of its shelf-life

method is a self-hostage concept
and its repetition is an awareness-gloss of the beyond

if it is a hairball of mind spin
then cough it up with self-consciousness

Saturday, September 28, 2019

laughter 9/28/19

the insistent insignificance of laughter
make us laugh more
when full laughter is reached
a new world order is then realized
the word is spread by tonals and uproar
composition has a new deeper source
beyond what sense can make
unstoppable plains of empty clarity are booming
the liquidity is an ever advancing and inviting
brain balance is achieved without direct answers
the beacons of presence are in full broadcast
we have achieved what can’t be claimed 
just beneficently broadcast 
as if combustibly shared . . . 

Friday, September 27, 2019

you only have six days to live 9/27/19

hey, like I said
you only have six days to live
well, the bad news is
you only have six days to live
but the good news is
they are not all consecutively in a row
but, the bad news is 
you can’t know in advance 
if this is going to be, 
one of those days
but the goods new is
those days could be days apart
even weeks, months, or decades in between
but the bad news is 
time marches on, indifferently 
but the good news is 
each one of those days
is amazingly transcendent and transformative
but the bad news is 
you also have to continuously live
on the days in between
but the good news is 
you’ll feel like a new and different person
right the next day after 
but the bad news is 
what was so familiar for then
now will seem so outrageously strange
but the good news is 
you’ll be out of here
is less than a week . . .

Thursday, September 26, 2019

here comes the sun 9/26/19

the day, my day, wakes me up, 
drunk on the night before,
scrambles to make sense 
of what sight might offer.
gees, where do these clouds come from?
for me, they are an annoyance, 
but sometimes 
both dramatic and mysterious.
sometimes I only live for the pleasantries
offered by shadows.
sometimes it’s just the wide and far of it.
you’d think I’d stop 
identifying with my projection
but no, I get caught up in the beaming.
oceans are just too much mirror-time for me,
I need the dialogue with land
and then I move on.
but keep sipping these instant memories,
way into the night.
it’s like newsprint in my eyes
and I am constantly staring at it.
I know, it seems like I am a passive blast
but behind the beam,
there is gawk, glare and gaze,
depending upon land circumstances.
clouds, I can tolerate 
but smoke bugs me.
no one would ever accuse me rubbernecking,
but hurricanes are beautiful.
winter, in some parts, is surprising.
but wars, of the human kind, suck,
only bad reports will come from me.
sure, wake-up takes awhile
but days are worth it to me.
most won’t notice,
but for me,
every days is different,
amazingly detailed and distinct.
I am like a one minute charcoal sketch artist,
over everything that passes me.
just remember;
land is canvass to work with
while water is mirror reflecting.
I get tired of seeing me
so I’ll see an animation of you, 
sometime, later in the day . . .

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

we can’t know, there is not time 9/25/19

how do we have it that time exists 
when it doesn’t have a life of its own?
the validity of time existing 
rests in the witness’s composition of awareness.
if you spectate as audience 
then there is a logic for time.
as the space between observations
seems to be noticed as time segmented,
as proof that it does exists.
by then the intrusion 
of a next thought occurring 
and memory intervening 
become profound evidence.
but then thought itself, as its topic,
is never current either.
when acknowledged as such,
action either supersedes thought,
or bypasses thought in its function,
or is victimized by thought intervention.
yes, mental intervention 
is a way of the slowing play of being
into this strategic execution
of the assumed proof of time
as an assumption without repute.
actually it is an insistence on our part.
language lobbies for time references.
thought dwells in time composure,
and we can’t get current
with the mind styles we use
to being in the now for starters . . .

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

let’s do paradox 9/24/19

let’s do paradox for openers.
any position taken, 
can be adequately countered.
find a hundred topics in question
and a hundred counters can be brought to bare.
all I’m saying is,
let’s study the nature of the composition 
of paradoxes entertained.
there has to be unspoken containment
of references presented 
as identification presumed.
but there are hidden premises
that forge those viewpoints 
into a cognitive existence.
so if language is applied towards representation
then whatever that level of presentation
makes assumptions that are unacknowledged 
but somehow agreed upon to start with.
so that the frames of reference debated
have conceptual boundaries assumed.
there is a relevance premise in place.
it then becomes the battle of conclusions,
possibly evidential, 
certainly with emotional backing,
harvested from a range of appropriate information
and presented as relevant knowledge applied.
the basis of oratory exchange assumes
a relevant syntax of rules silently in place.
but the content relative to meaning presented 
and exchanged can vary greatly
as from what is said 
as to what that is understood to mean.
but paradox assumes a common ground of context
with an extreme variance of positions taken.
what if conclusions reached are worthless?
because the nature of presentation and exchange
falsifies the intendedness of the original curiosity 
and the subsequent scrutiny applied.
paradox was not to get purely answers
but to further the depth with which viewing could occur.
as how to witness having these positions defended
limits the in-depth potential 
of any deep search evolving.
for the value of paradox is not in a win
but more so in the delve
to get to a method of think
that goes beyond paradoxical positioning
and develops brain-styles that have penetrative insight
beyond the use of conclusions and defense.
in others words, to leave observation as a finality
and to enter into emersion.
to go beyond the address of topic with its insularity,
given that there is only objectivity as intended.
and that the style of presentation and subsequent defense
is useless in the nature of deep search.
all that is gained is still peripheral to the cause.
the ultimate goal from paradox is to get to 
and immerse into the fabric of cause 
with consciousness gained.
and since paradox is operational as a means,
then the initial stages are to enter into paradox
as an inverted framing 
of both what we know
but more importantly, also how we know.
for the want is for a brain style 
that gets us deeper insight
on the way to deeper energetic presence.
no answer we get comes to stand alone.
no conclusion has much of a life
if we are still in audience to it.
what we want is a wisdom of being
beyond the wisdom of our mind.
but we, as humans, have not found a mind style 
that is a perfect surrender of its method
in becoming true immersion in the beyond.
we seem to want to take what fails us,
with us,
as if proof comes to be justified.
that type of search is all circumventive
if all we get is further knowledge of the kind.
for as long as we address with paradox like this,
we have made no clear effort for ourselves
as entry into immersion from entry . . .

Monday, September 23, 2019

what does my skin color mean? 9/23/19

does my skin color determine 
my box of crayon-colors in value?
am I victimized by my grip 
or which hand usage?
or where it comes to pass
that I color madly between the lines?
who’s book is this 
or who booked me?
I didn’t agree to this coloring 
as a learning process.
prejudice seems so grossly simplistic
yet mysteriously disguised as such.
as a very small child,
I guess I had dreams with crayons in my hands.
empty graphics were the page permission lead
or maybe more the bait.
skin as a tag is reductionistically too simple.
is this what measure of dumb can be like.
grip of the mind,
too simplistically measured by the coloring.
is this what prejudice can’t say
because of the ink color implied
or that the wax stick used is made of fear?
rhetoric sells the books 
and if hyperbole is an anthem,
I do not want to sing with my hands,
any gloss across the page of my opinions.
I do not need further contact 
with stereo-typical images upon me.
I want face to face for the feel of my coloring.
no more, with the between the lines.
all of my crayons are now about conversing.
every grip is now an embrace.
then we will see what color creates 
without any pages of propaganda or intercession.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

exhaustive (haiku) 9/22/19

an exhaustive list
the way we name everything
as audience-viewed

Saturday, September 21, 2019

to think-about 9/21/19

what we need is 
a new way to think-about
no, not identification
nor objectify,
not how to prevent or concur
more like immerse
become the it of the it
not for experiential purposes as take-aways
but more like to expand and become
more like inclusive and merge
beyond know but still conscious-with
yes, we would still call it think
to start
but eventually beyond empathic in nature
possibly inter-species converse
collaborative with ease
not like to eventually hunt or conquer 
more like coalesce
as a collective in earnest
I guess the heart brain is essential
emotional presence, necessary
but we’d still call it
a new way to think-about . . .

Friday, September 20, 2019

honoring 9/20/19

in the circle of life
an honest step back 
is as valuable
as a risk step forward
they both require 
a depth of being
a sacred source
an embrace outside of time
a larger than life trust
and eventually
a dismissal of time dimensions
for the honoring of soul . . .

Thursday, September 19, 2019

translation (haiku) 9/19/19

nightfall on landfall
translation: sunset on beach
daylight’s moving on

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

song feast 9/18/19

I take all the emotional rubbish words from songs 
and clean them to my mind
because the breeze of earnestness flies
whatever the mouth of delivery was for then
I chase after meaning like that
because there is a pure heart 
buried in the rubble of attempts to exemplify
no, I don’t buy the medium of projection
but deep within whoever sings, the call goes out
the sound of the mating call of spirit resonates
I meet it and haven’t move from here
but am secretly already there in the commingle
and nothing is said out loud above the listening
heartfelt between my internal pulse and the pounding
I have no dimension of time between us
our space apart is sacred to me for receiving
not so much devoted to the words
but helplessly bathing in the sounding coming forth
higher plains then we would normally hear at
but more deeply penetrative to my soul
I come to know myself more deeply
by your divine sound of presence
yes, it’s a junk pile all around
but I search for just this
vibratory melodies the voice can offer
the come forth and cleanse my soul . . .  

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

a deeper think 9/17/19

all language is harassment to direct experience.
experience of itself, is a hand-me-down version
as the ongoingness of being as living.
our use of time is as the mid-wife for all of this.
identification, as method, is a bystander’s viewpoint.
our allegiance to objectivity 
creates for us, as if a foreigner’s perspective.
our use of story is always stealing the moment
as if a snitch to create a false sense of worth.
our true worth has no stance or position to be taken.
worth of itself, is only a superficial status 
born of concern.
our isness exists 
before it comes into the presentation of moment.
conscious isness within us has our quantum implications.
our sensory aware was supposed to be 
immersion invitational.
all our migratory life is a drawnness 
towards reconnecting with the collective.
every act we perform has vibratory seed essence 
as its quantum core.
any one of us,
chasing a deeper think 
does not come back with words.
we give of ourselves 
towards being consciously whole.
as a deeper think,
we are not there to identify,
we are there to embrace,
and if possible, 
wholly to immerse . . .

Monday, September 16, 2019

reinvention versus reverse engineered 9/16/19

reinvention has the same prop room as before.
the modeling takes from the past as schemata,
attempts to discard what didn’t work
and replace with more of what apparently did.
there is no transcendent level jump involved,
still a dance card but made new again.
the focus is on flat plain wisdom,
to learn from one’s mistakes
as if correction gives deeper insight 
into conclusion’s eventual and essential worth.

reverse engineering has a different want,
more interest is ‘how’ works in the doing,
more search for the source of doing’s intent,
to learn more from the method used
rather than the mistakes incurred.
it is not so much of getting from a ‘here to a there’,
more like coming to a ‘here that includes the there’,
more towards the development of wide eyes 
rather then vision for specific goals.
reinvention has end-point-attainment in mind.
reverse engineering is source-point discovery
as its ever unfoldment  . . .

Sunday, September 15, 2019

subjectivity’s gift 9/15/19

there is no adequate language 
for the subjective.
there is a back load on meaning 
that passes unnoticed.
it is near the feed store 
for pain and suffering.
yes, it may appear as
mostly unimaginable 
and source fully irrational.
we dwell in a real flat timeline way 
and yet many of the sources 
for the re-stimulation of pain and suffering 
come from subtle realms 
unclaimed in the rational world 
and thereby are dismissed 
as poignant and or relevant.
all people are generally hard-pressed 
with internal tension 
that has no obvious stimulus 
but none the less is still functional 
as painful below the horizon awareness
of daily life. 
there are some many low-key stimulations 
that will eventually lead to physical symptoms 
that will bodily register 
and yet no claim for the source of them 
will appear or be accounted for 
because they are past-life re-stimulated 
or triggered by apparent circumstances 
that source internally deep 
and in a far reaching way from the past 
either from themselves or from their ancestors.
the camouflage that exists as a trigger stimulus 
goes below normal awareness account 
but still registers on the nervous system. 
people will have noticed 
over the course of their lives 
that they have aversions to things 
yet there is no direct answer 
for the cause of that.
we all move towards what is neutral in that way 
in our surround 
yet are also compelled in some ways 
to be curious about such things. 
we can have guarded fascinations 
or reoccurring dreams that register within 
but were not really noticed outright. 
the subjective, as it is referred to,
is just that, by cultural standards. 
it is not that there is no interest 
in what those things might be 
but they are perceived as outside of the norm 
and therefore considered as private unto oneself.
but really, the collective subject is out there. 
movies are made to stimulate and harvest 
from that collective. 
the shared privacy of fear and apprehension 
is worth a bundle in movie income. 
yet there is no shared interest 
in solutions or resolve. 
we, as a culture, are not advanced enough 
to be able to focus, source and release 
in such a manner as a people event 
though we are all into it 
without much effort put forth. 
we are all carriers and sources, 
whether we call it karma or vibes or nonsense.
it continues to be unfolding in our daily lives.  
low-key, of course but in our house resident 
waiting for stimulation 
to bring it to the surface of impact 
on how we feel and how much tension there is 
in the subtly of the day. 
the key discovery to start with is 
that there is no objectivity at all. 
that pretense is very manly but totally false. 
it is such a level of short-sightedness 
that over-promotes that to be so. 
and coerces to live in conclusions 
that objectivity does exist 
only further promotes the influence of subjectivity 
below the horizon of awareness. 
subjectivity is all we really have 
and have needs to share. 
empathy lives there. 
compassion drops by occasionally. 
the emotional needs for all peoples 
is served and soothed 
by access to these ways and means of being. 
feeling subjective is your birthright 
although denied into simplified versions of self 
that are supposedly presentable. 
how much of one’s life is spent 
unraveling this myth? 
subjective is worth. 
be the riches author of self as you can 
and then broadcast the full spectrum of the self 
you come to realize. 
wisdom and growth for all of humanity
will follow . . .

Saturday, September 14, 2019

oneness happens 9/14/19

experience is, for however inviting,
ultimately, profoundly distracting.
focus, for however intent on exactness,
is wildly and tormentingly end-point misleading.
curiosity, for its outbound limitless searching,
is methodologically a false orientation to follow.
mindfulness, as a nerve center occupancy, 
is radically composed of erroneous awareness.
every thing around is full of time-bound retention.
dare I put into words,
a medium beyond the measures 
and complicity of time and space references
that is current without reference or reflection.
it does not feed mindfulness with experience.
it has no past or future to deem necessary.
does not respond to languaged orientation.
does not interface with identification. 
does not provide for memory retention
and hardly has any measure of personage when immersed
and does not feature dimensional wherewithal.
it is, without the subjectivity inferred.
we all are, 
but nothing referential can be construed.
one can’t go there 
because one already is there is as here, 
one is only and always one.
emotional has residence
but not in any conventional way.
we are that heart brain as one
but our reality style
provides for complete denial 
in less than absolute ways.
nothing already said is invitational.
strip down and surrender any self sense.
be heartfelt without any sensory distraction.
the thought of it 
is a state of homelessness visited.
all of our lives are white flags
until oneness happens . . .

Friday, September 13, 2019

who is the ‘work-with’ of you? 9/13/19

we are all stable in our unconsciousness
and masterful in our unknowns.
we love beyond on means to express.
we deeply care 
by showing selfishness styled as concerns.
we have understanding 
as if it is the depths of our shared worth.
can you possibly believe 
that now exists
without any substantiation?
what would you ‘work-with’
to come to this belief?
what can be realized 
as the means of this coming?
who of you would inform you
about the ‘work-with’ of itself?
yet, we are all stable in our unconsciousness
and masterful in our unknowns.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

wisdom (haiku) 9/12/19

I so thirst to drink
the wisdom of an iceberg
before it’s melted

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

what baffle meant 9/11/19

mystery has no gates,
in a world of evolution, 
the mind of humans 
is the last to know.
sure, there are rational loyalists to suffering 
who are solidly grounded in pain.
but there is a simultaneity 
of virtual reality and apparent reality 
that a mind can grasp 
but not in an ordinary brain manner.
for the more one gets nanosecond current, 
the less baggage of judgment 
there is to carry.
is this deconstruction, 
then the work of understanding?
does confirmation and certitude reside 
in the approval of the past from the past? 
so is this a faux performance of the now?
mystery still has no gates,
enigmas, conundrums and secrecies,
are approachable
but mysteries
they are in plain-sight, 
everywhere . . .

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

languaged 9/10/19

language, of itself, is life in a matrix.
it is an imposition upon brain usage.
for the end product of language
is the shackles of meaning
and the limited range of sensory experience
base upon meaningful.
I give you these words
as handcuffs to bind you.
now become the magician
on the other side of mindful solution.
and thereby leave solutions behind
at the door of free entry.
and then, live the expanse
within the grandeur of timelessness . . .

Monday, September 9, 2019

phenomenality 9/9/19

language is a method of plagiarization,
supposedly telling 
what the mind has gathered and proposes.
expectation is an override of false comings
as gold stars of seen it, done it, been there,
that are duly awarded.
yet lackluster is as a way of far-seeing.
learning to gaze to embrace 
rather then to identify to name.
all method so depends upon 
the inspiration, the orientation,
the agenda and the technique of the user.
as no method stands alone in the effort.
many subtle methods come together unannounced
to make what appears to be a singular endeavor,
at least by intention, to actually function 
with precision and proficiency.
wide eyes, deep sight, less quick-fast conclusions,
and more curiosity 
all aid in this lackluster process.
lackluster is important 
as phenomenality generally over states the relationship 
of what just happened 
and how you happened with what . . .

Sunday, September 8, 2019

to understand understanding 9/8/19

we can’t understand understanding 
with more understand.
this is just a form of mindful nepotism.
solipsism is somewhere in the family tree.
there has to be a chrysalis-effect 
somewhere in there 
where we go beyond 
the syntax of understanding as method.
many things can be brought to mind
but to think them is quite something else.
sure all witness is subjective
but there can be a witness in oneself
that is other-worldly,
not built for conclusions,
enjoys giving the mind a ride now and then,
has a feel-first attitude about consciousness,
doesn’t have it that life is the same as living,
is able to be poignant in a big picture way
without the need of justification
or the measure of surface context providing.
there is a witness in all of us
that is more than understanding’s 
cohort, consort or crony . . .