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Wednesday, February 20, 2019

ways to start a caring 2/20/19

caring is the ushering of heartfelt-ness,
to a place of common wealth
from a campfire, exuding warmth,
to make common,
a mutual light from deep within
as spirit to spirit would ignite.
a tinder nest of resourceful awareness
can cause this flame to occur.
sure, rocks of personality can do this,
sticks from different sorts of folks can also.
the spinning up of a conversation
over the notch of meeting 
can provide for that spark.
caring, we are all kindling 
yet not everyone is flint to steel
or a magnifying presence
to produce smoke into flame.
and sure the commonness of conversation 
can be a source of conducive friction, 
enough to be a start-up as a flame.
caring, can be light to the world,
any time of the night or day . . .

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