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Sunday, February 24, 2019

honestly now? 2/24/19

honesty is only the bandwidth of attention span
then the murmuring picks up from within.
the chaos chorus is humming, 
looking for reality lyrics to pronounce, 
but gets by with lip-sink to oneself.
cynicism is the choir director
when the lead internal soloists 
has fear administered laryngitis
yet still heard internally as loud as necessary
to give the exterior projection a false shame.
honesty use to have the decency of innocence.
but the duplicity of life affords the paradoxical truth
to take on a complexity of human nature in each of us.
as for now, honesty surfaces like a koi fish
that assumes there maybe food for thought
at the surface of the moment pending.
an honesty can appear there as an open mouth
ready for words to appear in a surface response.
so, say what? 
(whatever comes to one’s innocent mind) . . .
for then.

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