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Sunday, February 17, 2019

questioning the questioner 2/17/19

the eventual personal need 
to question the questioner 
inside oneself
who of me authors 
these first line of questions?
what are the premises 
that foster these questions?
who of me originated 
these questions to start with?
what assumptions existed
that this me used to work with?
where did the formulation 
of those assumptions come from?
can those somewhat original assumptions
be first person personally examined?
what if, in the deepest sense of personal truth
those assumptions really don’t apply
and maybe to me a discovery
that they never really did?
so how did that happen
that I am lead into a projection of myself
that falsely represents and directs me
into the future of my life?
and am I now assessing by historical merit,
proof of worth, 
logic based on happenstance,
lack of deep self-clarity,
reactive motivational need 
to overcome current self-predicament,
deeper callings from within
that I have successfully avoided 
but keep haunting me
into some sort of action and follow through,
or just the time in my life
when I need to reconsider my circumstances?
maybe when I get to the bottom of all of this
there aren’t really original questions
as much as there is a calling.
besides the mumble-jumble of justifiable existence
I have a sense of drawnness.
if I was the predicament of my circumstances
totally consuming and distracting,
then what calls me out?
where would my illogical drawnness take me?
when would I realize the strength of my being
to actually dedicate my time and energy
to comprehend and contemplate 
how would that be
and what would it look like in action?
then to question the revelations themselves
more deeply.
not from a proof standpoint
but from a sense of self
as disclosure of drawnness revealed.
almost a deeper sense of self 
that existed within
but was in comprise 
by reality as circumstance and storyline.
the discovery of untapped internal resources
of being, of calling, of creation.
the work of the questioner’s questioner.
carving at character to get to creature
to get to self as source . . .

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