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Friday, February 22, 2019

human nature 2/22/19

all human relationships are quizzically rhetorical in nature.
expectations, as if they exist,
are grounds for the reveal.
really, ‘I thought that you thought that I thought’,
gets discovered ongoing.
as my M.O. gets reported by you to me,
as yours gets reported to you by me,
of course, ever so slowly, over time.
surely, there was the initial act outs, shared and otherwise,
but then, there came the premeditated kind of act-outs,
given the feedback from the expectations revealed
to the other, going forward.
and so, who I am to you is born into 
being a character to you
and likewise for me of you.
discoveries that I make about myself
are thereby fully assisted by you, kindly so.
yes I can say that!
while I assume that is also true for you, 
in your light.
no one said before hand that this would be so
but really, it is one of the side-benefits to me.
not that I don’t appreciate spontaneity and forthrightness
but also familiarity is a form 
of supreme associative comfort.
eventually, for us as separate but together
less lines spoken out of need 
and more read into, as we travel on
that says it all of itself 
in this way,
yet quite rhetorical 
as revelations softly approaching 
to each of us, 
as human nature . . .

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