today, how you know
is more important
than what you know.
maybe you assume
the innocence of facts
as easy observational.
but observation has become an agenda.
attention is a currency of worth.
mind-fill is designated for profit.
it isn’t who you are any more.
it is now about how you graze
in the faceted sense of wants and needs.
there is leverage to be had
by those in search of monetary profits.
and since reality has become the act-out,
everyone is in need of props.
eat props, wear props, and do props
or be seen-props, head the list.
and the key to all of these props
is the self-story-able think props.
do we all succumb
to advertisement as guidance?
acting out is a positional stance.
maybe even a pronouncement of self as worth.
have we all given-in to contracting
for the alliance of self with others?
is this a form
of machiavellian psychological waterboarding
done within the thinking processes
we assume that are available?
are we leveraged but not attuned?
how think works is under attack.
what you think is sacrificial offerings
to get how you think captured.
how does one talk sense into oneself
when they are feeling like a lost soul
on a destined ship sailing to where (?).
when one has become addicted to constant
as a philosophy for living,
as a way of life
and as a medium for thinking to occur,
change then introduced seems unnatural.
change is cause for apprehension
and self doubt.
at the point chaos is myopically personal.
one can resort to clamming-up.
fear has its postures and projections to occupy.
there is a conveyer-belt of secrecy and agendas
on the move but not declared as such.
confirmation-on gets more interest in clamor.
when does face-to-face reside
that actually answers to the feel of life?
if all content becomes a means of distraction,
then when does context get revealed as leveraging?
when do I get to explore how I think
beyond what I think?
can I have a self-witness within
that watches and observes how I think?
can my think come back and be in service to me?
I want my methods of think
to foster courage, joy, caring and creativity,
and my life as an expression of such.
what the hell happened here?
(and I don’t want just pat-answers….)