how do my eyes sense beauty?
is it the exactitude of focus,
the comprehensive and the details featured,
the mental rendering that follows,
thematics in the value terrain already established,
comparative truth in a workout?
is it experience as a medium of familiar
versus cutting edge interest of novelty?
is it excitement into visual engorgement,
advance beyond familiar into adventure,
something so visually rich
that the self is moved beyond just seeing,
moved beyond audience perspective?
there is a reaction as a response.
the self, as sensitivity, has taken up the cause.
internally a shift is noted.
and self is very moved within.
yet the real work,
the real difficult work is
having that response,
that visual response, inwardly activating,
with that which is normally seen as mundane.
where the real work is not on the experience
but the response to it.
that one is dynamically turned on
by sensory input only to discover
that one is always on
and that experience is celebrated as the reveal
rather than the account.
the means of spirit of the conscious self
is finding expression as interactive.
not that all is beauty per say,
but that all is active as it is of itself
in the interplay being with it,
as it is of itself and shared.
the isness of the concrete, the tree bark,
the slow dances of the sky,
the animation of movement by all as aware,
are conclusions stayed from observation.
all of this, dulls down the intake
into an account summarized.
thus next moment has elements of boredom surmised.
we are all experience junkies
just looking for the next fix.
living in the idle-doms
of from now to then,
where view is so rich.
but the real work is on the viewer,
but not the need of the world to expose.
the burden of sight
is on the beholder
and not on the frame of reference.
we made that all up unto ourselves.
imagine seeing a curvature,
say in a line or a shape.
where the view is so titillating
that the intake sets off an inner state sensed,
that it's as if breathtaking to view.
where there is an actual bodily response taking place.
all of us suffer from the lack of that skill.
we are reduced into exceptional stimulus
to get that kind of internal response aware.
and yet, life there is so rich
in the presence of each second experienced,
going forward.
experience does have a conveyor belt sense to it.
ground-figure has become common place,
unless it leads to words to say.
hard to really take in,
for otherwise, inner stimulus rewards.
it all leads to an aliveness.
as in this sensory case
as visually represented,
to rekindle the zoom into the hum . . .