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Thursday, August 31, 2023

is experience over-rated?

found anonymous as a time-date,

on the backside of a coin.

saw numbers, one through twelve,

playing dodgeball with the second hand.

found a tree that gave the middle finger

to highway traffic, eastbound.

makes one wonder what bland is all about.

I would have asked for a holi-hour

rather than the presumed twenty-four.

if I had a cat's tongue

that could explain my introversive need.

found an amazing elaborate dumpster

that someone else calls their home.

I made up a formula, 

based on distance and silence,

now I hear everything unsaid.

I have a sense of self-intimacy that serves me.

do you want to put your two cents in,

where it use to be a millionaire's club to start with?

I keep a tire pressure-gage in my vest pocket,

just to humorously remind me how inflated the self is.

I have a short attention span for wandering

too easily, identification starts to distract me.

I wish all paradoxes were blooming flowers

so that I could be mindful just based on smell.

many times I've told myself, 

experience is over-rated . . .

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

far-sightedness sitting next to me

 to realize,

when you are next to a bird of prey,

high in the witness trees,

surveying what mind journey offers.

and you come to sense 

the presence of preening ongoing.

yet without actual sight of her taking place.

and somehow looking out of those, her eyes,

that register in far-sightedness with ease.

wondering what skies will offer

as the forthcoming of adventure. 

worthy of travel as surveillance,

a sense of the business of silence booming.

for that to take wing,

even as script that journeys 

across what mind-fills will come to say.

seeking the zest of sky-story that appears as wander,

but actually provides for acuities 

that come to her mind.

revelation that travels with wings of ease,

high in these witness trees.

I have no wings for flight as such.

I dwell in nuance ways and means

for what inadvertently genders nearby.

your sky journeys may become 

some of my sight memories,

yet never traveled as such.

your script may find its say to me,

as blessed beyond my means.

we were of the same heir.

yours having flight 

beyond what exposure offers.

mine as the indwell of nuance expressed.

where we met,

the world was more of oneness,

than otherwise in the obvious . . .

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

how we left the hereafter

thoughts chase after our need to grasp,

yet not as immersion, 

but only as objectification, 

as recognition produces our caseloads

which by method,

imposes distance for us, and by us,

as separate from everything else.

our emotional needs want to meet in an immersion,

under the sense of harmony, 

where there is alignment 

without the anchoring sense of self 

as separate witness,

but as our isness, 

that is our essence,

and not be reliant on our knowing.

but narrative is premised 

as audience invested in our selves,

as separate from everything else. 

all of our method of experience 

is in the sensory mediumship of us 

as there and present

but separate from it, as ourselves.

understanding is the weaver of this encasement.

comprehension is just this sense of capture

as a further entwine of our seduction.

we, as separate from, 

has linearity as the bind,

as our essential view

that intendedly accomplishes all of this. 

as we are in the mediumship 

of always being separate from.

all of our higher senses, 

that work in vibration ways, 

that yearn us into oneness,

do not technique into this sense of recognition.

they harmonize into immersion,

leave the rapture of the physical

and have no memory 

and take no account.

all of time, as measurement, 

is just a sense of this awareness, 

as almost mental debris.

and all of space it mentally occupies,

innovates for us

as separate from, by sensory association.

experience becomes our method 

of ever-building conscious imprisonment

by the acknowledgment of our continued efforting,

and the sequential-ness of mind-linearity 

as it ongoingly applies.

self is the cellular of our separatism.

all of thought is just the writings of this diary

as us, 

deeply aware of being away from essence-home.

and all of recognition is this orphan stage 

of vacancy and our experiential hand-me-downs.

if imagination took off all of the wardrobe 

of worldly wonder

and of mind generated worldly wants 

and even our notion of self-awareness 

in its state of past, present and future,

and we were just of essence as it is,

without this wherewithal of recognition or account,

and no more of the address of definiteness,

not even of the mediumship 

of doing being aware,

and with no more the sense of a you and a me,

as a medium of our reflected confirmation

with no more of that functioning, 

as the texture of being, 

as meaning being our wardrobe worn.

and we were admittedly, 

just being of this human-chrysalis stage

in which there is for us,

the leaving behind of all this mass and form.

and that all of hydrogen and oxygen

were discovered to be  

but the last speakers for us to hear.

telling us for now

of their greatest story 

as they are and have ever lived it.

and in doing so,

where we are as the audience of experience,

listened up attentively,

but we were eventually leaving,

as if it were ever ongoing,

yet we found our essence

without the need for experience

as human lifeforms 

under the hydrogen and oxygen story told . . .  

Monday, August 28, 2023

let us prey (haiku)

the passage of time

is so full of prey-moments

expectation hunts

Sunday, August 27, 2023

when quantum left

when quantum left the physical,

is that for real

or is it that we had definites about the physical

based on our sensory range?

even with technical assistance

and somehow quantum left.

it was not sensed as physical,

even if it got down to one very tiny,

one infinitesimally looming of oneness.

but then boom, gone. 

but is it gone 

or unidentifiable by our means?

how far does sensory go

and still seem justified?

does an aura count?

how does lightning count?

it is just the flash and then gone?

what if the issue is not the physical

but us?

what if we predetermine by our limitations?

what we perceive

without regard for what is.

if it is outside our means to render it? 

how do we come to grasp, evolve, co-mingle,

when we are just playing mind-games 

with everything, as if in a curious fashion?

we window-shop essence

but can't really go there.

we have perusal knowledge 

as if the wardrobe for most everything.

but we have life as metaphor.

is it because we are languaged trapped,

because we process as if cognitive-referral?

how quantum is a human laugh?

hell, even the essence of a human sneeze?

words are a look-see existence.

experience has become so secondhand. 

could zest ever meet void?

does travel have to involve time and space?

what if empathy is 

a oneness vaguely remembered?

what if love is non-conceptual?

what if I just said,

I quantum you?

does that make for a truth we can't embrace?

what if everything in mass

is just anti-quantum?

so how could we be 

so left out in the cognitive cold? . . .

Saturday, August 26, 2023


to see the beyond 

for the setting in presence, 

the projection as interpreted, 

the narrative as story-able, 

and the positions taken to mean

as self so identified,

all in passing,

as beyond becomes 

by another means

other than presence,

projection, narrative,

and meaningfulness,

as self so identified. 


without past as perspective.

now without tentativeness


without history or future.


not boundaried 

by space occupancy,

referential identity,

or comparative truth.


mindlessly mindful,

without pause,

or a burden of awareness,

as presence.


without reference or meaning.

just the be, 

of beyond . . .

Friday, August 25, 2023

ahead of the curve

oh, to be ahead of the curve.

yes, we would all want that to be so,

as long as that is the game to be played.

but even if that were personally so,

the subtle problem is

that the curve is always and ever twisted and spiraling, 

either upward or down,

as a dimensional glitch that is in reality

and basically unaccounted for.

getting ahead assumes a certain constancy.

linear thinking applies itself to that.

yet, there is a depth in each moment

that does not surface as intention or goal,

that which does not calculate to mean,

that which produces ascent or decline,

but not in a particular linear mindful fashion,

no matter the perspective used.

there is a dimension out of range or focus.

maybe, blessedly so.

so, however far ahead,

is a correction for based on from behind

and then there is otherwise, 

the existence of now.

how now works 

is such a different orientation,

as so much more of emotional embodiment,

for some.

for others, it's a non-discerned interlude in passing.

now is hard to chase after,

as in, what is the skillset for that?

it is even calculable?

does it even respond to a timeline?

why is it a check-in function

as opposed to a be-from?

is camping only the campsite remembered 

as meaningful repurposed?

does now have any registry

other than sensory input and acknowledged?

is there a fountaining out of being

from deeply within,

that comes to be a consciousness of registry?

and for a self,

how is relevancy formed and acknowledged?

given all of these questions,

what does being ahead of the curve

really amount to relative to being? . . .