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Friday, March 17, 2023

how we reference love

love can not be objectified. 

that searching for love 

is an effort at the existence of nonexistence.

love has no properties to be of claim.

no one can be in receivership of love.

the physics of love is the broadcast of being,

even as the universe is in the essence of action.

observation of it or claim for it 

is only a distant audience as bystander perspective.

claiming love and its existence as such

is to make it of something identifiable.

it is always in essence, ever spent on being.

no words can identify that which isness offers.

that feeling that one has, that goes on

is without the capacity to be separate 

for it be of notice.

to be conscious of love

dissolves into the experience version rendered.

love is the unnoticeable ever outpouring

that can not be spectated.

to give of oneself beyond recognition,

to be in a oneness beyond what sense offers,

to be consumed beyond mindfulness of words,

to sense existence as sacred beyond reason,

all of those acknowledgments

are only indications that are mind held.

what is ever vibrational by conscious consent

carries love deeply within.

but it is beyond what names can label.

the embodiment of that, 

if sensed as emittance or embrace,

gives one a feel for what is love.

but feel for love, as mentally construed,

also vacates from the essence of it for the viewing.

as a self, love claimed is just referential

and not from source emittance but from experience

of that which is superficial to the causal of being.

love never lessens to be separate from oneness.

and that is what we always are,

without the possibility of being separate from it,

to either claim or to truly observe.

self claiming love is a lesser state of awareness

than the immersion that love occupies within. 

to make us conscious of love

is not that it comes to us,

but that we surrender as a self

to be in that oneness

that travels in the cutting edge of a now.

a now as love that we fail to consciously venture.

yet it is within and throughout, 

beyond our means of conscious rendering 

into our subjectivity of real . . .

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