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Thursday, November 3, 2022

no, not thought

so what do we get from meaning?

a defense for agreement if called upon?

a neuron brain-dance generally knowable?

the spectacle of self in mindful ways?

a tasteful deliverance of experience?

do we ever study how we study, 

how we then study that study-ness?

assumptions are made,

like crumbs from a meal.

who is eating them

and we don't care or notice?

when did language become the tray

and not the food source of itself?

say I'm crazy or plaintiff for asking.

but instead of thought,

just what if we think about think,

before it gets to cognition and subsequent words?

we went off into language and hunted down words.

we tag them with meaning

and then domesticated them for usage.

but what if we didn't go that way?

what if thought was just option "A",

and if we stayed in think

until it became some other measure of resolute?

like, are you thinking what I'm thinking?

but of course, not said in words.

maybe not even vocalized as utterance bound.

just think comprehended, 

but not thought.

that medium already exists 

but think lives in experience denial.

if it ever appears,

it is immediately captured

and labeled as coincidence, luck, miracle,

something in the order of zoo-like.

where we then audience it as phenomenalized

and feast on experience as thought.

no, back to think,

to the land of think 

before non-native thought appeared.

what if we all ride the skies of think

as if we are birds of flight as thought?

we gave up on sky-wise 

as the whole some of think

and went with the self-birds of thought.

and now we are locational by self dimensions.

we are migratory as if by memory.

we land as if grounded by mood.

we survey for depictional purposes.

we have grub for topicals.

and we journey as if locational, 

from a here to a there.

what if think doesn't do that,

but thought does?

thought has a life now

and we fully support it as such.

it's like a living virus breeding upon itself,

and if we are the hosts

but overwhelmed with occupancy.

think now functions like a worker bee,

working for thought's causes,

that is think in menial reduction's efforts.

thought steals the substance of think

and reduces it into meaningfuls that identify.

it objectifies them 

and literally makes for a world of differences.

and reality, our reality,

becomes an ongoing library of congress,

a game of hide, hidden and seek, sought.

we created then thought occupancy. 

we domesticate think 24/7.

we acculturate think into representationals

and then we preoccupy.

and think has no voice, no say, no means,

for the way we mindfully occupy.

some where, deep within,

think calls out, as if in code,

passions a yearning,

presents beyond the fence-work 

of questions to answers,

beckons without obvious clues,

creates small windows of observation

that go unnoticed in most humans unceasingly,

sights that aren't answers but call-outs.

immersions that can't be taken back to thought.

that are what they are

and would demand transition to immerse,

wondrous not reducible to dimensions,

frequency affirmative

but not sensory seduced.

if we, anyone then wants to go there,

it's not about change,

as if in audience participation.

it's about transform, possibly transcend.

and when done,

no one is the wiser.

it is not a round trip or even eventful.

no thought generative to result.

just think.

wow, just think . . .

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