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Saturday, July 24, 2021

the math of everydayness

in the sum total of everydayness,

who is the math of this self-consciousness?

and who has the bottom line presence 

to respond?

post all of these details added together,

with the pluses and the minuses 

off each other,

ever forward, in a running account, 

even beyond 

the ever advancing totaling amount.

to go to where the sum is way more 

than ever the sum of the parts.

what math is that, 

that passion of being 

makes summing of any worth?

where is it that everydayness 

transcends a summing remark?

where each experience plays 

beyond declared value?

where chalk in the hand to the blackboard 

does not deny the heart of the matter.

and that the math 

that defies logic and circumstance

is where a running total 

of borderline bliss is.

yes, somewhere buried 

behind account and totals.

maybe this should be called higher math,

yet profoundly taught in everyday life,

wildly, across the board . . .

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