meaning seems like
the evident ocean surface
that everyone has access sight to see
in the moment.
meaning seems like common sight shared.
but meaning has depth and unseen current.
what is surface now,
was not surface some time ago.
the embodiment of feelings
withheld in meaning
is ever on the move,
as if public opinion had might,
as if the call to words
signals the ever-shift
in meaning's command.
meaning is a cruel tool in usage.
it's rough and gross
as it applies to understand.
sure functional but oversells
and easily over displays.
you'd think that if we dreamt-spoken
that would be better.
referencing done in a worldly way
seems like referentially insane.
for all we ever do is agree to agree,
as if that makes for continuity and flow.
it's like
we are all on the same amusement ride,
called meaningful,
but each in separate compartments.
sure, it looks like one big thing
but experientially
quite compartmentally alone
on the self as intake.
sure, I would want the benefits of meaning
to be rewarding
but it's all ticket stubs to the next moment,
endless lines of attention paid.
thank god that some of sleep
is giving meaning a rest.
at some point,
I just stand there staring at meaning,
knowing I can't ask.
for what is the meaning of meaning,
is just introspectively
more of the same . . .
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