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Wednesday, December 23, 2020

on the passing of this torch


how sacred keeps me 

from outright agony.

how cherished, 

in each moment, 

keeps me 

from the sincerity of sorrow.

in the honesty of essence,

we are always one.

in the marking of time, 

we now have the poignancy of reverence

and the presence of soul-full humility.

this blessedness 

of earnestness comes forthright

as the sacredness of living gives way

to this deeper presence of light.

transition is realm expansion offered

to a vaster sense of conscious-being.

a sense of being, unlike any other.

an entry into a dimension 

of presence, witness and honor.

to be able to look down upon,

from within,

with clear witness 

and to see thoroughly through,

with a facility for conscious soul.

gifts offered by life in passing

are gifts received, 

by deep love 

in recognition's stance.

never again to be small in perspective

or limited of self in carriage

or blind from a deeper sense of awareness,

as in spirit-to-spirit truth.

sentience survives these moments

and thrives on our eternal.

this countenance becomes 

the constant backbone-prayer 

of your consciousness.

go forth, as bonded and embodied.

to be going forward,

in the mystery of two, 

where now becomes the share of spirit,

on the passing of this torch.

for the two interface, 

as dissolving into the one.

thus this is the sacred movement 

that has no moving parts.

for it is the blessedness of presence

that comes to live outside of time.

and the sourcing of love

that seeks no identity.

and the sense of self 

as spirit beyond any mortal stance 

from limitations' reach.

be the becoming

beyond memory's reach.

embolden, enhearten, and far reaching

into the hearts and minds of others.

for your life is in service 

to this cause . . . 



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