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Tuesday, December 22, 2020

beyond the mindset


our general mindsets 

are baggage to the cause

that can only go forward 

as inclusive and directive.

the framework of our thinking 

has needs to surrender

and be in humble receivership 

of vibrational callings 

as in, if you want to go 

where your being intuitively 

wants to take you

then do not let 

the confetti-mind be the override 

of circumstance rule.

sure, discover that one's daily routines  

give an unspoken permission 

for a deeper realm-awareness 

to be available,

way, way back there, 

behind all of the mundanity  

filling in and filing points of mental view. 

go where the greater mysteries 

of harmonics 

are constantly in play.

your routines are useful as backstage passes.

you get to use them at any point 

during the monotonies of the day.

be aware that this frontal cortex 

of your brain

as an exquisite mind, 

is just an abacus of thought

or a pocket full of loose change.

it only exists as a reflexion 

in a reality mirror.

sure, it can swim in all 

of the topics that surface

but also, naturally breathes 

in all the tones spoken.

go for the hologram coming 

from those tones. 

there is a deeper dimensional sense in play

but it just doesn't compute necessarily 

in the rational river 

of brain-fill of experience.

obviously, logic would downplay this

at every opportunity of inner dialogue.

it requires a different and distinct kind 

of inner witness

to reach for deeper vibration account 

in this moment.

you have to come to reside 

in a deeper mind view,

high above and way back there, so to speak.

it rings true but initially oddly so.

it has a depth quality 

generally not socially present otherwise.

it can be a very private sense of experience

in a genuine interior way.

when practiced enough, 

one's daily life includes these levels 

of awareness

even though, still very private 

from public discourse. 

the breakout from normal mindset stock

requires witness of this kind to be invoked.

the system of self, in this case,

is all inwardly expansive in nature.

this inward experiential tweaking 

is a conscious act

and from it, life then has many more levels of self aware.

look, we are all avidly searching

even if unconscious ways 

predominate the efforts.

there are deeper truths beyond what thought has provided.

when you accidentally comes across one

your being knows 

even if your mind wants 

to phenomenalize upon it.

give up on being audience to it

and go with the immersion in it, first.

be with what naturally expresses 

from in you.

these moments of you are original in nature.

be the conduit that is in release

and pour your being into your life.

not the same as mindset 

and not easily in the context of culture

but sincerely and authentically 

you at heart expressing . . .

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