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Tuesday, August 4, 2020

what wonders

there is an empty spaciousness 

inside of every solid that we claim.

the physical plane is this prison of solidness

a giant chessboard of particulars, 

mostly stoic in their place

and we all dull out 

on the apparency of this as game.

the sky is full of kibitzers, 

snooping around

while they talk amongst themselves 

and then reactively move on.

we seem fully dedicated 

to an allegiance of this earth-mass as presenting.

we do take mind-journeys 

into the vast of the infinitesimal

but nothing practical overwhelms

to make a show of force to uniquely represent.

yes, we have a show of chemistry 

as if science introduces us to its magic

yet we still wage war 

with solids bashing amongst themselves.

we have religions honoring invisibles 

with substantials imaging 

to represent in mass.

we make clear boundaries between dreams 

and other practical mind-states.

no teleporting 

but high technologies implied by traveling in cars.

we maybe mind-state communicate 

but rely mostly on the coverage from smartphones. 

we could thought travel 

but have rituals of luggage and planes.

we will have to redo the brain 

for its current mind-endeavors 

then to alter our perceptual style 

for sense retrieval and possibly its worth.

potentially even embark on 

conquering language usage

depiction, account 

and the wholism of circumstance.

by then we be baffling, 

even to our then historical selves.

well that too 

will be a further adventure.

to overcome the notion of a self,

the constrictions implied, 

by having a sense of being

from then.

what wonders will be made of dust

that for now we claim as solids, 

upon and of the earth it seems . . . 

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