so, recently, I asked 'context'
to ride shotgun with me.
and I came to a place in time
where I was face to face with
'consent or mutuality' going forward
I asked context for a set of fresh eyes
and so I presented and we discussed.
so I proposed:
it's winter time and the snow abounds.
and we went out and made
both angels in the snow
and then built a snowman together.
I asked,
consent or mutuality?
context looked at me and smiled.
okay, so it's spring time
and we decided to build a raise-bed garden
I had the seeds
and we went out
and bought the materials together
then built and planted.
consent or mutuality?
context gave me a silent but sobering look.
okay, so, it's summer time
we decided to go on a hike.
I got a map I had
and somehow we ended up on this particular trail
that you knew about and loved.
I brought water and sunscreen.
consent or mutuality?
context shook its head
and stared up at the sky,
as if that was a meaningful response.
okay, okay and I sighed.
so it's the fall of the year
and we go out and rake up all of these leaves.
we make a huge pile.
we run, yell and dive into that pile repeatedly.
and then we go about to start an evening fire
by gathering just some of the leaves,
more of twigs and small branches.
where we put the fire
was not good for us to sit around.
I felt somewhat displaced
but happy to be together.
and so I asked once again
consent or mutuality?
context just looked at me,
actually looked straight thru me,
as if my quizzical
should have turned into wisdom.
consent or mutuality I decried . . .
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