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Sunday, August 16, 2020

fresh out of self

to get to the impending you

posing behind the self of you,

to be further formally present

before the lip-sync of mind,

that is forthcoming into its saidness occuring.

where before, nothing was ever spoken 

in defense of the self that will be here, there of

and nothing is said, as the self, 

commandeering its own, as its self narrative,

way before there are anecdotals 

that are somewhat exuding as a presence.

yet possibly conceptual, for to first realize, 

and yet to be present, 

without a sense of analytical confinement.

but even more so

to arrive at where words seem to fly-out 

from the void of self,

without a sense posturing,

either by specifieds or specifics.

to be where origin completes 

in its own diversity's spectrum 

into 'as if understanding 

was to be a bonding of oneness',

where self-consciousness is 

ultimately realized as just a tagalong, 

where even the thermals 

as if the breathing in of sky

understand for itself, 

as if spoken weather, 

contains the whispers of godsend and truth

to that impending within but as a gathering

of the great sense of the whole.

not that common sense has a capacity 

to embrace as such,

but to imagine oneself,

for a free-fall in all directions

as personally and privately self-inclusively expansive,

voluminous beyond surveillance's effort, 

beyond the lit floodlight 

of comprehension's linear view,

yet before a sense of the experience as claim is there. 

a self that could come to be that declaration,

that beyond. 

to be way beyond definitional restraint

and to have at that be so,

without a sense of grasp

but born out of being,

and to realize the surrender into that awareness,

as to be that confluence 

without the possibility of exhaustion, 

to be that pronouncement of the undefinable

and to swim of that essence, 

embodied beyond the claim of it all, 

beyond where void has surface

and thought has composition.

to be where self is disrobed from containment

and quantum-speak does not create 

any audience of response . . .

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