Methods of relating;
concessionary, accommodating,
cooperative, or collaborative
a process of reflection . . .
How is the placement of self-intent?
Review the inclusion of other’s
objectives and plans.
Evaluate cameos
of shared accomplishment.
Examine the storyline account
of occurrences
as to what values were co-perceived.
Assess the mutability
offered and exchanged.
Weigh the temporal adjustments
made towards agreement.
Consider the amount
of hidden resentment accrued.
Reflect on the styles used
for upping the interaction of the play.
Review the creating of contexts
that were inclusive and mutual,
then explore the episodes
of unexpected richness.
Also worth noting,
is how spontaneity has its origins
and its lasting usages.
Question what was so
deeply and genuinely influential
but generally out of frame
and when
something was just a reenactment.
Determine what was confluently so,
within these experiences
and do these separate self-storylines
ever really cross into co-shared?
So now what is really offered
as our methods of relating?
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