for know apparent reason
I absentmindedly
follow myself around
quite justified
with a somewhat meaningful life
now that isn’t really my life
but it’s my internal verbal account
in that form we all know so well
as if there were a story to tell . . .
some anecdotal report
on expository recall
not that anyone would really ask
any in-depth question
of sharing interests
that I unceasingly impromptu ask
of myself secretly on the inside
so as for me no one in my world
seeks to intercept my inner dialogue
no they just want
what they ordered from the menu
like . . . hi how ya doin?
how’s life been treating ya?
what new in your world?
but with no gotcha-in my-crosshairs sting
no curiously I’ve-been-watching-you
nothing with a deductive bite
of observation to them
no mostly questions
that solicit an unspoken contract
of no further inquiry
just toothless questions
of self-protection in passing
and for know apparent reason
we have all agreed to that
more poignantly to this this collusion
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