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Sunday, September 20, 2009

who you call you (re-post)

who you call you

if all of your existence

for all of this lifetime

was placed flat

on the surface of a table

however large of necessity

that table would be

and every moment

of your life

was placed there

one event high

and all those moments

were directly viewable


and then all these as events

were liquefied

still one event thick

and eventually poured

directly into a very tall bottle

with a very delicately refined neck

and an exquisitely shaped mouth

at the very very top

so uniquely designed

as to contain exactly all of you

from your entire full life

gather together

filling it to the very brim

and this bottle

became known by you

as the time of your time

and your whole soul purpose

which filled this bottle of time

became the constant pouring

out of this bottle

oh so effortlessly yet carefully

one drop at a time

in real time

while your sole witness function

was to mystically attend

to this precise flow

each drop

singly in its passing

and your whole soul filling task

was to guide that pouring


out onto the universe

specifically landing on this planet

in your time

each drop

in an exact location

and as carefully

and constantly as you can

you spiritually attend to it

allowing each drop

to nurture

and be nurtured

directly where it lands

and at some point

within this as your process

you intimately discover

that you have the capacity

to also be the whole wisdom

of that entire bottle

as well as all that fluid

landing drop by drop

on those very earthy spots

that come to be so

and when so

you are then allowed

to see vastly

into the forming life pool

of yourself

so to speak

and to realize

that all of the table contents

that were placed

in this very tall bottle

poured one drop at a time

onto these nurturing locations

ongoing as the tempo of time

is of its whole self

yet now in an awareness reflection

and from this massive forming pool

of you

in time

by a reverence

as a sudden ‘aha’ ongoing awareness

that all of this

as the table’s contents

the tall full bottle

the endless sequential self-pouring

and the expanding pool

that you see as yourself

and as yourself reflected in it

will bring into frame

a much more expansive sense

of self as fluid into ocean

with a much deeper space

of your absolute presence

that is even more essentially

revealed and present

as the spirit and the soul

of who you

in the now

call you . . .

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