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Monday, April 15, 2024

how does accelerationism say?

accelerationism is an attempt 

for the conscious mind

to leave the stasis of noun usage

and arrive immersed

in the action of the verbs.

this is a time-line war-zone.

the brain, wanting to be more interactive,

than just recognition or audienced experience.

less script and more spontaneous,

more channeled and less in characterized, 

more animation and less prompted to pose,

less watching and more being,

less the weightedness of conclusions,

and more of emotional flow,

emotion that escapes language capture,

as if emotion that is more spontaneously energetic 

than staged in meaningful capture.

this is the cutting edge of a paradigm shift,

where action is more bountiful than say,

where integrative actional is 

more than hearing invitational.

it is spontaneity permission without pronouncement

to be of the juice beyond being justified.

where all of meaning is of emotional say.

not verbiage of the mind presenting,

but emotion formative of being instead.

imagine the river-flow 

of a person-to-person spontaneous yawn,

traveling continuously around the world

and the immediately thereafter. 

the aftereffect itself, in its awakening.

do we laugh, 

do we wonder, 

do we somehow collectively carry on?

not knowing, but seemingly 

a new momentum of permission granted.

is this a raise of consciousness,

yet seen as a debacle of expectation's reign? 

maybe a new paradigm:

the higher the frequency,

the less of mental comprehension's domain.

the higher the frequency,

the more of direct emotion's expression.

which can't be approached 

by mentalizing's approach to detailing's galore.

every human is this experiment occurring,

yet subdued mental stasis 

in its overpronouncing remains.

accelerationism is on the coup.

as the energetics are already in the works . . . 

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