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Monday, April 22, 2024

empathy is hardwired

how is empathy hard-wired but yet denied?

what is this learned intercession that confounds?

is it the self principle that overrides?

on the internal motherboard of each person,

where is that empathy switch located

and what will it take to rewire it back on?

does feel, in some, have no forthrightness?

does caring get worn out by self-neediness

or overwhelmed by the lack of intentional initiative?

how barricaded can a person become

where empathy has no basis in existence?

maybe for some, empathy is suspiciously selective.

in that, they can care for what they don't prominently fear.

while still for others, that blade of caring has no sharp edge.

mood has the grip 

and mental compartmentalization has control of the handle.

how did this character of override happen?

what made that line become a wall?

the essence board is still in place

but the access into consciousness is vagrant or lost.

it is shorted out or melted into oblivion.

heartfelt is completely muted but deeply carried along.

what tragic act out became the override?

how much was declared as self

and the more deeply denied?

one could say that trust became profoundly self-operative.

a self into an isolated existence

in which no other being

can knock on the compassion or empathy door.

the doors are all still there 

but to hear the knocking as permission to care 

seems to be barren of response.

those knocks only register as self in their own isolation.

frozen in the quicksand of fear as self-claimed.

feeling barren does not source the ability to give.

and the feel from there is concretized in tragedy.

the motherboard is there 

but the juice has no direction to present or be present.

and the motherboard has no sense of being self-nurturing.

in this case,

heartless is the motherboard in dysfunction

while the wiring is in a pattern of chaos interrupted

and the love, caring, and empathy dwell deep within

but have no or very limited carriage 

either to or through that self of being.

we all need a love from within

that allows for reverse engineering to occur

may we each become a schemata to another in need.

that in the privacy of their person,

they see, read, and feel,

as the template hardwire of another provides

that which was otherwise lost to oneself.

but now to venture as on

as empathy is the gene to oneness . . .

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