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Sunday, January 7, 2024

when oneness is becoming

there is a dimension of motion 

where stillness lives on.

there is a roar of all beings 

that are away from their self-source.

there is an integrity 

that sleeps in awakeness unnoticed,

as a bonding that does not have 

any dimensions encumbering,

as a depth of love 

that will never make it into meaning

and where the mind dwells 

is the surface of a vibrational ocean's deep.

all that self-consciousness does 

is salivate for desires' offerings

and immersion is the embrace offered.

for us, as humans,

there is a need to fly the sky 

as wings made of wind,

to be of sight as light, 

ever beyond recognition's worth,

to be so in the moment 

that no conclusion has life,

that one can never be found, 

as if separate from, ever existed.

image what meaning receives 

is from your soul's comprehension.

and that your next thought 

is secretly made of a grace unannounced.

and that all is in motion 

but not available to be human sensory aware.

and that the closer one gets to now, 

time is discovered to be a posing constant.

and all of space in oneness, 

is just a sense of embodiment contained.

and experience is the last thing left behind, 

when oneness is of the becoming . . .

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