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Thursday, March 10, 2022

the want of living

the want of living as a self therapy, 

who has the self-witness for that?

every thought, every interaction 

has impact and leverage.

sometimes so energetically subtle

that narrative override is consuming.

but for some, 

the minutest of feelings register,

the subtle weave is felt and observed,

the weight bearing and self distribution 

are noticeably at affect.

there are some who have a keenness 

to respond inwardly,

while others exist in the selfdom of override. 

but the premise is the same for all.

the energetic truth of oneself abides,

even if the consciousness of self does not.

therefore the act-outs become profound

yet not easily detected back to source.

some lead to drama

while others produce disease, 

of emotional, physical or mental presence.

all stages of the same, in source.

living, as self therapy, is a sense of awareness,

beyond the original six but also deeper.

some types of entry can be vibes with others,

some can be self-intuitions acknowledged, 

some can be recalls or dreamlike in presence,

some are as if camouflage yet revealed.

aging helps with the reality boredom,

as a refinements of intake 

and the narratives that happen,

as a softer vision of inwardness can occur.

at some point,

it is not all intake that makes for the sense of self,

output, not just doing, 

but a compelling to let out, finds registry.

maybe not as action taken, 

but as thoughts with emotional content that linger,

feelings that speak for themselves, 

beyond the apparent context of self acknowledged,

registry that goes beyond self acknowledged,

inklings and passages that have carriage and impact,

yet even oneself can't abruptly declare the source,

for feelings so deep-seated, 

as if genuine without proof,

a wider scope of self otherwise unclaimed,

either out of personality or even character,

yet there and very privately present.

how to self-embrace in a wider sense than meaning,

to hold that you are way more than what you know,

to feel the connectedness 

but have no reason to display,

just integrate to a more expanded sense of being.

lesson boundaries and widen outlook,

almost as self-empathy means are in play,

as if you are of many people 

as yourself in disguise.

maybe all of life is unintentional therapy ongoing

and we have no referential means 

to declare as such,

for it is up to each of us to realize, 

that as worth or not,

to attend or to disregard.

it happens with great constancy, 

on a daily basis,

through all of life

and for some, 

it is a pathway of unraveling, 

for others, it is an incessant dismissal need.

there is always the need, the grind, the miracle,

the unexpected light, the looming presence,

the reframe presenting, and the that which exists

beyond what meaning could presumable declare.

the want of living has its callings

and the therapy of living 

has its moments of passage, 

as a conscious means . . .

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