where is what has no more give?
can I look at it
and know that to be true?
what was it
that gave out in the first place?
could I know that
and now be able to see for myself?
I originally thought
give and take were much the same.
are there examples
of what has no more take?
or was that stupid to start with?
anyways, I want to see
what has no more give.
I really don't know
what that could mean.
is this an object of some means?
if it's a person
now I am really clueless.
is it that they have amazing resolve?
is this situational?
like no more money
or something like that?
I don't think I know what give means.
if it isn't physical
then what is there to see?
oh, this is a figure of speech.
if love is literal,
why would we do that? . . .
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