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Friday, July 10, 2020

change versus transformation

change is content based

while transformation is context based.

change has topic shift

while transformation has a framework shift.

change features a new set of conclusions.

transformation is an internal 

environmental frame of reference 

that has been added into the whole of the mix.

change is mind account 

while transformation is emotion lead, 

expansive and sourced 

from a different point of focus 

and possibly a different sense of focus 

in the awareness frame.

the result can be a clear intention 

with elevated emotional presence

while the mind-work of conclusion,

usually without passion input, 

is holistically, an incoherent state of being.

change has method in tact

while transformation advances 

beyond the frame of reference in mind.

the same repeated brain functions 

do not really look at themselves in process

for the method used to reach conclusions.

it is a cultivated given addition 

to perception's prompting

while the nature of transformational awareness 

is only an ascension a way 

from those brain-function methods

towards a more integrated sense of being 

that is more expansive and more inclusive 

in its elucidating awareness process.

it includes, in its widespread approach,

the potential for all things, historical as method,

to atrophy from usage over time

that were, in the grander vista 

of almost unconscious methods, still in play.

so that by transformation, 

all things as means and method,

are still possible and intended to be included.

but by change, only one thing, 

as a replacement to another, 

is fundamentally perceived.

an awareness of a transcendent sense of integrity

that lives in its expansion of isness,

is, by its observation, not mentally ordained.

emotional comprehension, 

is beyond the mental conclusionary states. 

it is where the source is, 

of a vibrational emotional intelligence,

that thrives.

it is where mental comprehension is realized

as just a wallpaper 

in a room of linear experiential living.

we all live for transformation

but may define it by how we think it to be,

in a world where transformation should lead

and comprehension should deftly follow . . .

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