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Wednesday, July 1, 2020

a profound emptiness

what would be

a more profound experience of emptiness

challenges the nature of experience itself,

the methods of discernment,

the cognitive reliance on sensory input,

the nature of the composition of thought,

and the who of oneself in receivership.

for where within then does registry occur?

does the nature of witness have any account?

when does emptiness, 

leave the realm of discernible emptiness, 

leave the concept of emptiness,

leave acknowledgment of meaningfulness,

leave the sense of audience,

and leave comparative truth 

that registers the notion of profound?

in fact disperses the approach to experience

of that which were dimensions of time and space,

as if being without comprehension's bias

or the exactitudes of thought.

where emptiness has no discernment

as to whatever was the initial impetus,

the initiatory elements of incentive and means,

that all were eventually sacrificed 

in the momentum of the pursuit.

even the awareness of movement,

the sense of particulars,

the loss of orientation

the feel of self in receivership 

the source of self even as author

all, resolved, absolved and dissolves.

as to emptiness being a relative term

of the initial inquiry,

how vast the void,

as if to honor it by a question . . .

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