all of language is but battery usage.
meaning being the juice generated.
words are the housings for application.
understanding is the vehicular animation taking place.
concepts come and go as casings.
everyone has adequate battery storage.
on and off switches vary with every model.
it's all a wonder-land,
between gadgets, appliance-in-usage,
toys, gizmos, engines, video-realities, AI experiments,
vibrators, widgets and phones-operatives.
humans sub in as articulate activators.
but for me,
I wish I understood what lightening was saying.
why all motors seem to me to be like monks chanting.
why the wind in trees is always collectively praying.
why rain is so impactfully noisy.
why nature makes more sense
yet I don't fully understand.
I have the mindset of an appliance.
I could be a doohickey or a doodad
or a thingamabob.
reality is a shelf life in waiting.
all I ever get to do
is tool around being functionally correct.
is this proof enough
that we live in a matrix? . . .
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