the calling,
to till more deeply
then just the roots of problematic.
problematic is undisclosed engagement.
the energetics have already connected
before language has a basis of opinion.
storming for words is forthcoming
yet nothing has been said.
but positionality has its architecture,
privately in the building process.
the dance is finding crosshairs.
topic becomes an anvil.
but topic is really only the tip
of a deeper downward reverse mountain.
one that runs
into re-stimulation's sea of unconsciousness.
the harp of deep feelings has chords played there.
that sound raises up,
fueling the outrage of response.
problematic is only a gateway of entry.
witness besides self-witness
is taken up with the task at hand.
the outward retort is preparing for advancement.
but the real work,
the grateful work from the dynamic of this situation,
is the imminent inner work possible.
that which was re-stimulated by said encounter
brings into play very deeply seeded source-points
of unresolved issues in unconscious residence.
hard to get easy daily entry,
but when awaken, the work of attendance is real.
yes, it can look topic bound by content
but the emotional energetics trapped
need release and or redemption.
logic is not the tool of primary usage.
feel, even irrational feel,
will get more to the source and or the cause.
self compassion are needy hands in this process.
timeline warpage and memories are clouded.
particulars are not the primaries needed.
but the feel, the fluidity of the feel,
to reclaim the fluency of being at this level,
that is the primary inner work needed.
yes, the piss-off awaits, outwardly waits
as if an unexpected knock on an unknown door.
but richly so, the gift has been given.
and opening it
is the privacy of oneself explored.
yes, there are roots buried here.
but beneath those roots
are the soils of soul,
the cultivation of spirit,
and the being of you
before taken human form.
it would be nice to have a clear view
beyond a cloudy past,
a sense of being beyond human circumstance.
all kinds of opportunities come our way.
but problematic is a primary door to use
for the most direct outside-the-box approach
to the deepest of inner dynamics
yet unexplored,
as the evolution of consciousness provides.
none of this changes the topic of problematic
but the view gained from inner realization
was way worth the stimulation's response
inwardly, from you, ongoing . . .
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