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Tuesday, January 7, 2020

no such thing as senseless 1/7/20

there is no such thing as the senseless.
what is baffling is that conclusion, 
based upon the ease with which thinking takes, 
its matter of course.
yes, there is the irrationality involved
but who wants to leave their logical world 
to create a scope large enough to embrace  
that which is profoundly illogical 
but essentially energetically true in nature? 
that is emotionally charged with limited scope 
but profoundly discharged in actions 
or in mindsets, 
yet well concealed from rational perception?
senseless is a response to perception 
with limited empathetic pursuit 
to the depth necessary to embrace 
the complexity of the original causes 
and the immediacy of the current circumstances.
senseless is quick to summary
and the need for closure as to blame.
somehow blame seen allows for the distance
from the impact-fulness one could take personally.
yes, there are those people of immediacy,
who have radical outcomes to deal with
and are faced with massive unexpected consequences.
but more deeply there are deeper causes
that reside in society’s methods of existence.
there are the why’s and how’s of self in isolation,
the premise of extensive separatism among us all,
the interactional reality of false projections,
without the deeper communications 
of emotionally being damaged from childhood onward.
the network necessary of human connectivity 
is to refabric personal human internal upheavals,
one to one or one to many as spontaneously necessary.
the insular silence delves, further self privately mutilates,
becomes a charge 
and repositions one’s sense of being.
we all carry wounds with these tendencies,
yet in confinement,
in some, it is just wardrobe, 
while in others, it is wounds with potential outcome.
issues that will affect core 
resulting in polarizations 
that will eventually evidence themselves.
the emotional fabric of all is a collective effort,
even though our culture does not abide.
we pride on faultfinding, blame, and appropriate distance
yet we are all students of personal psychology.
the coursework is never done,
grades are only every moment’s account.
we seem to have no problem
with leveraging that psychology for capitalistic profit
as if the stated agenda 
is independent relative worth in comparison to others.
as if all of this is the endless poker game of living 
even though the collective fabric of society needs tending.
our ultimate politics should be face to face,
feelings communicated in the present,
the rise of mindsets of connectivity,
and the wherewithal to deliver presence to others.
senseless does not describe something out there
but it more directly addresses
a lack of something within each of us.
yes, in each of us that is dormant of usage.
for us, as humans,
living in conclusions 
does not allows us to address those needs
that each emotional moment might internally present.
when think out weighs feel
and conclusions outweigh feelings,
we have mutated perceptual allure 
and a rational dysplasia.
we settle into encampments of incomprehensibility,
recoil into our separatist’s self-doms   
and thereby become witness 
into our own isolation of perception,
only to further ponder witlessly on the senseless,
as that ball of yarn 
we tell ourselves to unravel . . .

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