there are only bystander positions to now.
every experiencer comes with a camera and memory.
the fruit from now amounts to accounts.
now is a horizon line we have yet to cross.
for as close as we can get,
sensory input keeps us back,
as if a protective fence
is set in place
so that we don’t mishap into now.
for we are only set up to experience as consciousness
and not be awake in the now.
without all the fallback methods we have,
imagine now without sensory account,
without experience interface,
without memory retention,
and not even internal dialogue ongoing.
now, is just as an inescapable energetic truth,
no more identity,
no storable account,
no claim of separatism as a measurable means,
and not nothing
but a one something of existence,
all dance
but no self-consciousness to bother.
now is always happening
but we are safeguarded from its directness.
surely we are of it
but don’t have access to just be the be of it.
we are still in baby steps
as oneness approaches . . .
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