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Monday, December 2, 2019

the more you hide it, the brighter it shines 12/2/19

the rhetoric of fear-driven motivation 
is a constant battle
against seeing with naked awareness 
without the work at naming.
no human ability is peculiarly sacred 
in the moments of its usage.
language came along way into the fore
after image was evident.
any notion of naming 
is a lesser state of human awareness.
creating still shot images for naming purposes 
denies the essential feel for the motion of existence 
in its natural unfolding method.
you can choose to be a photographer, 
have an orderly use of the dictionary, 
view behavior from a moral point of view,
be the profoundness of a bystanders perspective, 
be the historian of your life as experience. 
none of which leads one closer 
to a transcendent sense of being.
to live for the derived motion of being 
in every sensory way
is to immerse rather than cognize 
as an experience method.
there is nothing static about existence 
and so the method of conclusions held 
and positions taken 
falsifies the natural state of being 
by a reductionism that interferes 
with the most natural notion of being 
beyond understanding.
everyone is a constant river 
of fluid information in passing,
both in receivership 
and simultaneously in broadcast. 
how experience related to this 
is up to the individual’s perceptual style and calling. 
life is the undeniable constant practice of this.
witness of this provides for variance and depth 
to become a natural advancement 
of fluidity of being. 
the term spiritual is usually applied to this process 
but it is basic and natural 
beyond the phenomenon of observation 
that makes it seem so out of the ordinary 
and therefore spiritual in nature. 
where as spiritual is natural, 
our cultural heritage has progressed 
to many standard deviation from this norm 
but is claimed to be the norm 
by its steadfastness to the method of understanding 
that denies by its lack of accepted exploration 
and by the use of still-image observation 
translated into language 
which is then decoded into a style of understanding 
that dates everything into cognition and memory. 
the sense of self is that method of consciousness in isolation. 
we have popularized that into culture and apparent reality 
while individuals still privately find themselves 
and pursue a more essential discovery of themselves 
without the enhancement or benefit 
of cultural clarity or support. 
each person, as a living experiment, lends themselves 
to the general advancement of humankind 
without the discovery of the collective in mind. 
but at a deeper level within each of them, 
there is a connectivity at work 
and a higher consciousness is evolving 
and pronouncement is ever so forthcoming. 
the migration of the critical mass of consciousness 
is ever moving, 
in spite of the current methods of freeze-frame reality 
and the cultural evocative 
to cease further inward discoveries 
that individuals are otherwise drawn towards. 
self work draws upon a deeper set of truths, 
which a vibrational reality honors 
in its integrity of existence 
even though it is currently beyond 
our sensory awareness reach in common place ways. 
there is a cohesion forthcoming 
as a critical mass of vibration strength is reached. 
a deeper truth is realized as basic and natural 
which then displaces the apparent reality format.
intelligence with emotional stature 
becomes the mainstay.
the use of time and space are radically altered. 
the interaction with the planet itself 
is shifted into a dialog of awareness and presence. 
isness expresses outside the range of apparent perception. 
we all reseed our source-fulness 
and therefore our use of our senses 
and for where from within they serve as our means. 
how we come to identify does not present as physical 
or describable in that way. 
isolation ceases to exist as a means of identity. 
all cause is fluid 
and all means are in motion 
as a natural realized state. 
memory serves no function for existence 
or for a sense of worth. 
now is actually approachable and immersive. 
one is all flow, channel, express, 
confluence, ever convergent, 
far seeing as the breath of now expands.
no one has a mind for it. 
it becomes heart-brain 
as a way of being 
and self consciousness has atrophied 
for its lack of usage. 
we are all this collective zygote 
within each of us.
us, as a collective of individuals, 
is only a chrysalis stage of human advancement. 
all we are called upon to do 
is stay tuned . . .
(the more you hide it,
the brighter it shines) . . .

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