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Monday, December 30, 2019

how time is speeding up 12/30/19

time passes more quickly with aging.
one is less eventfully impressed
within the mechanisms that account for experience.
recognition becomes more ho hum 
with its internal impact on oneself.
and the clarity of center mind-stage, 
using the strike-measurement of particulars, 
becomes more relaxed in recognition ways, 
as in, seen it, done it, and been there.
that which was unique with particulars for then, 
now is more cumulatively crowded
with like kind in its internal impact as affect. 
there by less distinguished on the recall.
therefore the breeze of time passing 
is less filled with the windfall of particulars 
as signposts or bench marks 
or turning points of reference.
there is less fill as the measurement means.
the mind is still churning 
but less features are outstandingly impressive. 
thereby ambiance becomes more of the measurement, 
with less outstanding indexes to fix upon 
as relevant in the recall process. 
so time seems to be speeding up 
based upon the fewer events to account for it
in a sequential way.
experience itself is then more a rendering
and less the process of immerse with astute account
stored in memory . . .  

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