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Monday, June 3, 2019

the myth of repetition 6/3/19

there is a staleness from within repetition
but it is not the task of itself
as much as the use of perception there of
expediency is its own cut-throat directive
intendedness can become fatigued and overdrawn
accomplishment becomes an overshadowing
into self loathing 
for the frailty of success 
or the staying power of failure
which has it own immeasurable affects ongoing.
the syndrome of repetition appears innocuous
but comes to reflect 
a short-sidedness of self-awareness by task
as the journey undertaken becomes burdensome,
without the enterprise of spirit interjected.
the cruelty of task is that it has no frame-breaks.
one’s allegiance to task 
can turn into a deathtrap of interest and outcome
without the breath of life interjected.
repetition does not exist
except in the mind of the beholder
when the context become smothering
and the expression of being in the task
is suffocating to complete the measure.
for in the honoring of a task
one can loose the depth of being
necessary to take joy from movement 
and the simplicity of expression
that makes task so evident.
to a wise person,
there is no such thing as repetition
only the freedom of the mind 
beyond the myth of accomplishment . . .

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