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Saturday, June 15, 2019

the essence source of happiness 6/15/19

everything I am, as mind-fill, 
is a distraction from happiness.
my happiness is not a receivership state 
of my otherwise awareness,
but a broadcast state of my being.
happiness is not a conclusory state within me either.
sure, it can be noticed as claimed happiness
while being happy
but they are not the same for me.
my self-consciousness version of happy
is viewed from my witness state
which is ever so subtly distinct 
from happiness itself.
to me, happiness is 
an embodied exuding state of permission 
without interruption from outside stimulus as cause.
my short term happiness is a response 
to ignition from outside culturally conditioned cues.
but the generativeness of my happiness 
is ever internal and always there 
if not placated by overwhelming external circumstances.
or without the experiential overrides 
developed through living with 
some unsaid contentiousness
that is derailing happiness by my preoccupation 
with a mood or a judgment.
happiness has no evidence to prove itself
and I see no need for its approval.
essential seeds of happiness 
emanate an ongoing presence in all of us.
but the flood of apparent happiness 
is not really at the cause.
being without an external context 
is closer to the real source
and more resourceful in our human nature.
that the mind then becomes aware of happiness
is only a wardrobe of self-consciousness worn.
happiness has no answers
and is not, in a dialogue sense, 
and is not the byproduct of entertainment.
to me, happiness has no rational cause 
and no proof of worth.
that laughter occurs
is a rebalance of the my mind 
without rational means.
for me, happiness is before evidential
as the mind is already preoccupied 
when happy spontaneously occurs.
quite subtilely, happiness precedes search 
and self-conscious seizure.
happiness is more at source and resourceful
then any seeking can engender.
to me, only the periphery of happiness 
generates memories,
for happiness is empty of memory as a need 
but a wholeness of hearty soul . . .

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