how do I know what constitutes interest?
I get the heat of attention
but where from within me
does the minuscule of kindling come from?
who of me inhales that fire of interest
yet unbeknownst to a conscious me?
I only then get the faintest of smoke
cuing into interest as enthusiasm for blaze,
eventually lit up with attention span.
broad strokes of streaming cognition
attempt to intervene.
curiosity sits in, as alert is all ears.
the first inklings of speech
are making waves in the brain.
language is constructed and consuming
by a brain-full of words
as if fuel for the engine of attention to continue.
I get the gist of all the moving parts,
but what constitutes interest of itself?
no, I am not saying the topic at hand
or the item being attended,
but where does this cuing of attention starts?
is it anything in contrast to boredom?
is it sensory frames in search from thirst there of,
for image or topic or a matter to be in hand?
is interest always positional in seeking?
is curiosity always an innocence to start with?
so much escapes into the flow
from the cross hairs of readied concern.
it seems that my mind, of itself,
is only there at post-arrival, immediately thereafter.
so, out of what interior unknown does interest arise?
are there cues within me that work on their own?
is interest an attention summary for defense purposes,
or story-ability as a way of interest seeking props?
interest seems to have account-for
working almost the unconscious, behind the scenes.
is interest only a self state of awareness then
a made-for-reality context takes over?
is interest eventually my white cain for reality purposes?
is interest a lifetime skilling to piece together
the reality puzzle day by day ongoing?
a bicycle has gears and a chain to translate into motion,
so what does interest have for its occupancy in life?
are words that pop up, just as flash cards
to coerce interest into some conscious sense of act?
if I go to the bare knuckles of pre-birth awareness
does that get me to the source of interest?
is interest an unstoppable plague that generates of itself?
a glue that has no known countering agent,
the tongue of conscious-speak,
the swizzle-stick of reality
that doubles as a mind-suck straw?
it seems like attempting to get off of fly-paper
by using other fly-paper does not get me free to the source.
this maybe deeper than hormonal
and certainly beyond the use of words
as if props ever truly identify
beyond their usage to identify their true source . . .