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Monday, January 21, 2019

the fabric of self-love 1/21/19

the fabric of self-love 
does not need the scrutiny of self-approval.
the mechanics of approval
come much later in that game
of self-consciousness that we all play.
self-love is eminent,
not popularized by consciousness or song.
those versions all have the wardrobe
of self as consciousness with all of its trappings.
self-love is generative without exposure
to the mundanity of daily living.
self-love taken into the context of self-aware
and then rendered as directed and procured
is a false notion of self-love.
claiming mental prowess over regulating self-love
is loosing oneself in the falsification of story
and not residing in authentic authorship.
self-love does not fall prey to mental renderings.
the mind-work, to be conscious of self-love,
is sacred in its tender surrender from within self-love.
there are no reversals that present as self-love
by mental equivalency as proper as that might seem.
self-love through consciousness is a life’s-work.
we had strong inklings at birth
and had that diminished by the distractions
of culture, conditioning, circumstance and mind-style.
each of us seeking a bloom in conscious return.
self-love is not lost but subdued and restrained.
self-love has no stage for it in consciousness,
it is not presentable as if a utility for usage.
one gets oneself out of the way
for that presence in each of us to be radiant.
death-bed triumphs can softly look that way - 
when those eyes have wings 
and their sight seen becomes reflectively grand.
self-love does not need those moments to be real.
but to surface in one’s day,
as surrender upward and within, 
has its paradoxical imminence . . .


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