there is the eternal endless sound
that I make meager efforts at hearing.
I come at the it-of-it
as if I am all ears.
I guess that what I am asking for
is a context of relevancy,
but relevancy has it limits
as if a mirror only possessing its reflective capacity.
which translate into,
it comes to me
only on my comprehension terms
rather than I go to it
in its original vastness, unperturbed.
a falsehood on my part
as a presumption of self as dignity.
I am with this false notion of experience
and then I presumptively return.
I can do this with any of my senses.
I can be rendered haplessly observational.
I can truly acknowledge that I do it to myself
and still the know of enormity
overwhelms my smallness.
nothing has broken through
this silence as boundaries,
that observation kindly offers me ongoing.
tight-fisted definiteness keeps me
as the captured.
I have discovered within this frame of reference
that when I breath out,
I am actually breathing into the all of the oneness
and when I breath in
I am, once again, feeding my separate and smallness.
hearing only begets me
but not into oneness . . .
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