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and slideshow videos on youtube at "junahsowojayboda"

Thursday, January 31, 2019

we all have a cope of trauma 1/31/19

all of phenomenology is traumatic.
two-strand DNA is the provider.
from birth, the world of contrast begins.
dualistic thinking takes hold.
experience becomes 
the wonderland of comparative truth.
coping is a style of mindfulness.
memory retention becomes cause-worthy.
the story becomes the nature of habitual.
spiritual presence is bystander view 
as if from afar.
normative becomes the narrative.
skills like observation, objectification 
and depiction become major operatives.
all of these are a byproduct of separateness.
yes, closeness is appreciated
in a contextual-reality edited format.
trauma is inexplicably developed 
into a manageable coping style.
each person develops a different set
of internal integrative skills.
stress is the underscore of awareness.
endure is a notion of the timeline of living.
make-a-go-of-it is widely encouraged 
in interactional formats by elders
as they lead by example energetically,
but prompted by language 
and self as authorship.
mental linearity is high on demand.
the rigor of living this way builds momentum.
the gloss of conscious being becomes this
as if forever a dingy on a vast sea.
assumptions become beliefs,
eventually below the horizon line of awareness,
even then, outside simple sensory range.
exploration beneath, behind or beyond
is viewed as of a questionable nature.
yet, quite innocently, that search continues.
daily life is filled with it
and subsequent dismals.
quest is not seduced by full entrapment.
all of living is playing ‘name-that-tune’.
the lyrics run unaccounted for.
the pursuit is for just one more note
and I will remember and name it as such.
the cosmic choir hums along deeply inside.
giving it lyrics is a very personal discovery,
probably not a two-strand DNA experience
as such.
our whole life is a song book.
turn to the page that sings you alive.
where trauma is demystified permanently.
then maybe your being 
precedes your personage . . . 

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

stillness (haiku) 1/30/19

stillness is constant
as motion is so subtle
we call it stillness

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

unsaid directives 1/29/19

knowing is inadequate, 
at this present of time. 

stay tuned,
does not mean 
become more knowledgable.

be focused,
is more about presence
and less about attention.

all meaning is platitudinous and venomous.
it just depends
what kind of a species-mindfulness you are
at understanding for this to be digestible.

victimhood is a state of mind-neighborhood
that some never get out of,
either by mind-travel  
or by sleep-walking 
until newly awake.

Monday, January 28, 2019

langauged 1/28/19

our language is trauma based.
the nature of how we experience is disturbance.
we have juxtaposition rather than confluence,
comparative severity rather than convergence,
depiction rather than emergence,
and identification based upon separate from.
we are a constant exercise in existential futility 
as we affirm by separation and supposed distance.
we confirm by sensory obviousness to conclusions,
all primarily languaged assisted.
we hurt further with all details’ escorting.
we are the religion of ‘absentia-of-oneness’.
and rigorously devoted as such.
our hearts are the overwhelming void 
of oneness disposed 
to the unbounded richness of unspoken-ness. 
feel is volumetric, holographic, symphony-said
but without wordiness as the bludgeoning needed.
reality is of itself unrealized ‘PTSD’, 
but how does one help heal
when the only language base that works 
is the touch from the heart-felt-ness of being . . .

Sunday, January 27, 2019

comprehension versus fathom 1/27/19

comprehension versus fathom
is meant to mean;
comprehension by a firm mental grip 
versus fathom via surrender to divine grasp.
as if comprehension is a surface to surface over-grip 
while fathom is to surrender as if to be immersed in 
what initially is sensed as an embrace.
for our method of brain usage has succumb 
to the constant overwhelming tide of thought
and subsequent unspoken devotion
to the religion of time
together with the illusion of space 
as locationally depictional.
all of thought is fundamentally first-person reactive 
by brain stimulation as method.
vacancy of thought is a rare commodity 
as if thought without initial and stimulating reference 
could not be so.
mind without our familiar method 
of context and sensory input 
is still not within our version of a self-sense, for most.
we have a self that is indoctrinated 
into being a separate entity 
at the very essence of sensing and cognition.
we then forage for identifiables in our mind-style way
as if understanding then becomes the harvest.
we don’t identify with this crop
but we are in receivership of the harvest.
we are post-operative as if to benefit 
from what is received.
we are not part of the germination, the growth, the bloom, 
or what is harvestable in its most direct way.
yet we claim by assumption, as a stand-alone status,
and therefore reap the benefits 
as audience in receivership.
this is a dignity 
that the religion of separateness affords us.
we have developed brain-methods that deny 
our essential connectivity with the surround 
and subsequently impassions us to pursue methods 
that function by control and human decision-making 
that are not part of the complexity in existence 
around us to start with.
production is a human form of a selfie.
human self-intimacy is in an insular phone booth style.
how we pursue information 
furthers the species into isolation 
and momentous proof of need for the methods 
we already falsely use.
we have gaining insight 
as a form of leverage against.
we are a species out of context 
and damn proud of it.
we only blindly lead ourselves onward
as if the planet was a staging area 
and experience is ‘destined’ to be as grand 
as it can be experientially further be taken as us, 
as singular beings, 
isolated in our own sense of self 
yet hungry from not knowing 
of the beyond of what . . . 

Saturday, January 26, 2019

if I have to be separate 1/26/19

if I have to be separate from you
I want where you hurt most 
to fester in smiles
I want where you bleed 
the map of the world
I want what you swallow 
your gains and digest your losses
give me the ribbon 
made from all your mistakes
let’s make a dancehall 
out of all your negative traits
I want to breath the helium 
from all of your lightheartedness
show me the axe of you 
that chopped down all of your charm
I want to see 
where the homeless grit of you lives
give me a list of the reasons 
you were born, this time!
let’s make a deal 
where you get none of the cards 
but win
can we make all of your sensibilities 
into seasons of the year?
let’s tweeze all your sensitivities 
into mocking-yourself for fun
can you have anecdotal amnesia 
and be here now?
look at where a freight train of love 
has dismembered you
you have no reasons to justify 
the radiance of your being
so carry on 
as if now is all that matters . . .

Friday, January 25, 2019

money-meals (haiku) 1/25/19

too many eaters
not enough cooks-in-kitchens
food is the pretext

Thursday, January 24, 2019

the eternal sound 1/24/19

there is the eternal endless sound
that I make meager efforts at hearing.
I come at the it-of-it 
as if I am all ears.
I guess that what I am asking for
is a context of relevancy, 
but relevancy has it limits 
as if a mirror only possessing its reflective capacity.
which translate into, 
it comes to me 
only on my comprehension terms
rather than I go to it 
in its original vastness, unperturbed.
a falsehood on my part
as a presumption of self as dignity.
I am with this false notion of experience 
and then I presumptively return.
I can do this with any of my senses.
I can be rendered haplessly observational. 
I can truly acknowledge that I do it to myself
and still the know of enormity
overwhelms my smallness.
nothing has broken through 
this silence as boundaries,
that observation kindly offers me ongoing.
tight-fisted definiteness keeps me 
as the captured.
I have discovered within this frame of reference
that when I breath out,
I am actually breathing into the all of the oneness
and when I breath in
I am, once again, feeding my separate and smallness.
hearing only begets me
but not into oneness . . .

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

why are we here 1/23/19

we are only the energetic signature 
of the substance that represents us
we wear the machinations of human intelligence 
as if it were real beyond wardrobe
and yet we live trapped
by the shackles of ‘we-agree-to-agree’
as an isolated species out of control methods
and out of control.
if comparative truth is our ongoing fallacy 
then how do we live better lives that work?
maybe the is a trick question
as in, ask any lier if they are truthfully lying
sincerity has no one riding shotgun 
as self-consciousness
consider ‘why are we here’
as a response rather then a question . . .

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

organization (haiku) 1/22/19

without intimacy is 
just too strategic

Monday, January 21, 2019

the fabric of self-love 1/21/19

the fabric of self-love 
does not need the scrutiny of self-approval.
the mechanics of approval
come much later in that game
of self-consciousness that we all play.
self-love is eminent,
not popularized by consciousness or song.
those versions all have the wardrobe
of self as consciousness with all of its trappings.
self-love is generative without exposure
to the mundanity of daily living.
self-love taken into the context of self-aware
and then rendered as directed and procured
is a false notion of self-love.
claiming mental prowess over regulating self-love
is loosing oneself in the falsification of story
and not residing in authentic authorship.
self-love does not fall prey to mental renderings.
the mind-work, to be conscious of self-love,
is sacred in its tender surrender from within self-love.
there are no reversals that present as self-love
by mental equivalency as proper as that might seem.
self-love through consciousness is a life’s-work.
we had strong inklings at birth
and had that diminished by the distractions
of culture, conditioning, circumstance and mind-style.
each of us seeking a bloom in conscious return.
self-love is not lost but subdued and restrained.
self-love has no stage for it in consciousness,
it is not presentable as if a utility for usage.
one gets oneself out of the way
for that presence in each of us to be radiant.
death-bed triumphs can softly look that way - 
when those eyes have wings 
and their sight seen becomes reflectively grand.
self-love does not need those moments to be real.
but to surface in one’s day,
as surrender upward and within, 
has its paradoxical imminence . . .


Sunday, January 20, 2019

trolling (haiku) 1/20/19

all words spoken, troll
provocative to the ears
but lip-service worth

Saturday, January 19, 2019

know me 1/19/19

I only wipe away tears of sadness 
with further tears of joy
I have floodgates for eyes
I am a serpent of seepage 
sinuously through these eyes
I want to bed-down on a gaze
sip life-filling stillness
give conclusions to clouds to carry on
feel for the sweep of existence
as if brushstrokes on the canvass of life
sigh meadows with forthcoming laughter
bed-down with the moment
have slumber as love
know me as unending
as if memories were sunsets
and I, constantly the view into you 
from the camouflage of the night sky . . .

Friday, January 18, 2019

wing-nut (haiku) 1/18/19

you are a wing-nut
your tree of life produces 
seeds of the future

Thursday, January 17, 2019

oneness becoming 1/17/19

wildness is a stick of wings beating me.
it is the only way I am a breath of fresh air.
I am exhausted from answers 
pleading their case,
but yet I am the shelf-life of timeless.
I have epics as pauses and eras as yawns.
you fooled me into the persona of existence.
I am now married to matter as if by consent.
but I am from before constant had observation 
as coexistence,
before know had a ring to it,
before the future becomes a drive-by.
I am the banana peel before the slipstream 
in a world where there are no accidents.
know of me intimately 
as the conscious blossom of you.
for we have no doubles of ourselves
yet we truly exist as non-separate.
we, as diversity, are yet the mystery 
of our oneness becoming . . .

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

called out 1/16/19

happening takes my breath away
shape attempts to comfort me
its curvature is tonging me 
with touch that has no surface 
I am as if to swim
I have gliding as my speech 
to let out my wings into the sky of you
simmer has a yearning as its burner as my source
my melting is a form of honesty without mind
evocative makes flash floods into my passings
undulating is the tongue-action of my existence
memories are storming the self of me as blossoms
impulse is searching for words to flag-fly
but I am only the composition of lyrics 
that death will speak of thereafter
who gets called out into spoken
only has the life of now 
as its livingness . . .

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

breath (haiku) 1/15/19

breath is allegiance
we swear by it, within it
destiny’s trumpet

Monday, January 14, 2019

diversity 1/14/19

diversity doesn’t really exist
diversity is a reflection gained from a viewing style 
and the use of a notion of comparative truth
as a functional method of observation
there is overwhelming integrative unity
but perception to cognition through recognition
produces versions, doses, captions,
down-scale, surface relevancy, customized answers
to interests and attention spans
we live in conclusions
which does not provide for methods of integrative entry
diversity is pseudo audience appeal
diversity is a form of spectatorship rendered
short views oversimplified presented as diversity
it’s what linear thinking will do with its view
short-term needs and quick-summary produce
a contrast and compare out of then supposed diversity
the deep interactional function of the all
is not a practical consideration towards the confluence
this are these and them 
as those become rendered conversational
without expressed interest beyond notability
the quantum participatory view 
hasn’t been commonly realized yet
now has no diversity but is also,
by our current methods, unapproachable
so when one puts linear thinking 
together with a somewhat retentive mind
we can then be content to speak about diversity
but it is only reflective of us
and the predicament or circumstance we have 
as awareness in self-conscious ways . . .

Sunday, January 13, 2019

reality, a grey-matter clutch 1/13/19

actuality is rebreathing in and from a paper bag
actuality is experiencing in and from a paper bag
actuality is experiencing in and from a brain bag
reality is experiencing in and from a brain bag
reality is experiencing in and from a grey-matter clutch
reality is cognizing in and from a grey-matter clutch
reality, a grey-matter clutch

Saturday, January 12, 2019

refutation (haiku) 1/12/19

refutation is
a mirror use of your face
when the words come out

Friday, January 11, 2019

every breath anew 1/11/19

there is a constancy 
beyond the temporal discernment 
of this constancy.
there is no effort 
beyond the impressional experience 
registered in summary as this effort.
without memory’s retention
every breath is anew. 
experiencing is the mind-trap
as a framing for reference.
and awareness is the predicament.
oh, to adventure, 
without the sensory load,
as if to not take-with, 
and to not come back to.
every breath anew . . .

Thursday, January 10, 2019

to understand the universe 1/10/19

we live, as if for the view.
we looked for patterns
that make for the weave of recognition
as if that internal process will bring us 
the world, as it truly is.
we meddle with proceedings
as if relatedness is meeting us 
secretly on demand.
a truth telling is exposed 
directly before us,
feeding into our train of thought.
a process must be occurring 
because there is a pattern appearing.
it could be informational overload
but that burden is on us as perception
as we see connected events 
in our mind’s view.
oh save us 
from this avalanche of new information.
every pixel is evidence forthcoming.
visual surmise is stifling.
a chain reaction is crippling to behold.
maybe this kind of intelligence is a brain-rash
in and of itself.
one is not prepared 
for this kind of informational overload.
relatedness is on a rampage.
for the domino effect resulting 
may also include 
one who is observing.
and we said 
we wanted to come 
to understand the universe
as it essentially exists.
just as it is . . .

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

how, about it 1/9/19

how gardens become shrines.
how door slams become chapter endings.
how forgetfulness becomes its own spoken language.
how look-aways defend against possible embrace.
how rains become perceived as apprehensions of floods.
how clear starry nights become revisitations of loneliness.
how the going gets worse before it gets better works.
how ‘how' works as an introduction to these as storylines. 
that the mind interprets the present 
to conform to reenactments of the past.
how does a broken heart see for itself
if the soup gets cold faster
when the taste is anticipatorily 
always repeatedly the same.
maybe it is not life itself
but the method of experiencing it
that is the study worth the challenge.
especially when the teacher and the student
are the same being,
richly present 
in inward self-dialogue . . .

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

my heart (haiku) 1/8/18

my heart wants to speak
words state their own existence
I’m just the chauffeur

Monday, January 7, 2019

blossom from within 1/7/18

there is no legitimacy to a happy ending
this is all made-up pretext
assuming story as account is justified
forget real but live the projection
is an assumption deeply engrained 
questions with concise answers get us nowhere
unanswerable questions give us fuel
by providing for vision beyond
help me understand is just a ploy
be the becoming of you without regard 
the internal map of being has highs and lows
be the eagle seeking destiny unclaimed
start with likeness and build the fire
emotion will provide the oxygen needed
actions, from twigs to stumps all ignite
burn brightly as if for others path in sight
combust is a heat-space of the collective
come to know yourself as one of all
stream-speak existence into being
composure gained is oneness expressed . . .

Sunday, January 6, 2019

what’s the deal 1/6/19

what emotions mean 
versus how mentality feels . . .
the deck is stacked
as if a fair draw could ever occur.
how does the deal of every moment
not favor understanding over sentiment?
if language is the dealer
then mentality will get all the face cards?
or is this just the deal 
where sightings win over sensations?
or do all of the high cards
eventually just wind up in mentality’s hand?
so while all hands are played
in a timely manner
and mentality is stacking up the chips,
secretly, well even quite subtly,
‘I have a feeling’
actually owns the table
and makes the gaming possible
without anyone
the wiser . . .

Saturday, January 5, 2019

belief 1/5/19

belief is a death march
quite readily taken on.
aging evidences it
as gifts gathered
as if life is a shopping spree.
value clutches 
as if worth is to be kept
close to the heart.
memory approves of this process.
considers itself 
to be a form of endearment.
passes itself off as reminders.
that no one should ever suspect,
memory is in it for itself.
disguised as if it were self,
belief and memory wink at each other,
quite privately.
no one, of their own making,
ever seems to notice
their alliance,
as if one foot in front of the other.
one can only take flight
if their wings are not made of belief.
for belief is air-space,
already preoccupied.
and memory is a tethering
that limits the future of being sky-bound
by this almost invisible hitch to the past.
belief is a burden
wrapped as a gift,
then given to oneself
as if the present . . . 

Friday, January 4, 2019

crisis (haiku) 1/4/19

every crisis
is a personal fry-pan
for cooking soul food

Thursday, January 3, 2019

the mayhem of perception 1/3/19

caught, as if bystander-predisposed,
between a perception 
that is either luridly lucid or lucidly lurid.
the visuals stand-alone
but the sensory intake and interpretation 
is on me.
am I asking for conclusions to occur?
will a standalone judgement save me?
there is vastness of scramble occurring
inside of me as the feelings of process.
the long face of logic is making references.
fast-speak as inwardly mumbling is occurring. 
my emotional self wants sidedness to occur
as if to feel a seating arrangement has been assigned.
quite subtly, I notice the speed 
with which all of this is mentally on a drumroll,
as if results and conclusions march to this beat
that morality plays and sensibility listens . . .

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

if I live 1/2/19

if I live 
for the nourishment from meaning
then I might as well 
have been stillborn 
at that first thought.
if impressions I visually take in
are still-camera shots
made into cognitions
then into memories
then I will feature
a life of distraction
unfolding before me.
if language was supposed to sustain me,
as if living a meaningful life
then my journey
is a swim 
through this floating debris
in this ocean of understanding.
please tell me
if you know better
then swimming in the know
abundantly provides . . .

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

meaning (haiku) 1/1/19

meaning is fickle
exploring what I just said
understanding self