the conversations of experience junkies overheard.
a deck of event cards played sequentially.
comparisons made as pseudo embrace.
the declared expanse of value terrains exposed.
intimate maps of worldly adventures declared.
a toast to timelines and the titillations.
a tease for future investments to be declared.
for moments and circumstance
to know of the that which made it so.
the stigma of memories, that are haunting and heroic.
hearsay of self, made evident and personal.
this 'now' has no other business but for then.
these stories seizing as summary’s expression.
for what else is there
beyond the roadkill of boredom,
monotony ever aging,
recognition as each shallow breath,
account without oneself as audience,
a self, empty of accomplishment,
worth that has no lasting answers,
and all the efforts of projection, unmasked?
so in the eavesdrop of my listening,
there is a kind of internal wonderment,
stirred into my self privately asking.
how do trees rings happen within (?),
that the night sky is ever passing (?),
what are the nuances of force
that cause ocean wave to action (?),
where from do creatures seasonally migrate,
cruising on or above the ship of earth (?).
not that those are legitimate topics
for conversations shared.
but somehow, in high contrast,
to what experience junkies would say
before me,
external experience, as if also a self process,
seems overrated.
but what can be said about that,
that is not asking
for the spirit of itself
to be the cause (?) . . .
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